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Aenglisc_OverKing said:

Hot take
Ashkenazi Jews are the best girls to bleach.
>high IQ
>stable family life
>looks white but still is a POC and therefore can be bleached
Honestly, kikes are just the best choice. And as a bonus the children of secular Jews tend to become very antisemitic.

Fuck yeah. In fact Ashkenazi women have always wanted to hook up with white goys. During the 60s of Israel it became very popular for Ashkenazi women to read porn comics featuring Nazi men. The Israeli government had to ban it due to insecurity. Fact is Ashkenazi men are nothing but a bunch of wimp ass losers. That’s why Ashkenazi girls want Nazis and white supremacists to own them!

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    Aenglisc_OverKing said:

    Hot take
    Ashkenazi Jews are the best girls to bleach.
    >high IQ
    >stable family life
    >looks white but still is a POC and therefore can be bleached
    Honestly, kikes are just the best choice. And as a bonus the children of secular Jews tend to become very antisemitic.

    > high IQ
    Yeah, high verbal intelligence and that’s it. Basically they’re just better at lying and deceiving, which is why they’re all in lawyers and bankers and media etc
    > kinky
    Literally every woman is ‘kinky’
    > stable family life
    Not true, especially if you’re the goy coming into their Jewish family. If you don’t convert (which you shouldn’t) you’ll be ostracised and exempted from her side of the family.
    > looks white but is still POC
    1. All women even whites can be bleached
    2. Only ashkenazi and some other Jewish offshoots look white, and that’s because for all genetic tenses and purposes, they are mostly European (and contribute heavily to the overall high Jewish IQ meme).

    Kikes are the furthest from the best choice imo, but sure if you want your children to be considered ethnically Jewish (due to how their religion views their women) and to be assimilated that way into their entire culture go at it. Most of them are pretty inbred too because of their extreme nepotism and pairing of cousins together so you also have that to look forward to.

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    Aenglisc_OverKing said:

    Hot take
    Ashkenazi Jews are the best girls to bleach.
    >high IQ
    >stable family life
    >looks white but still is a POC and therefore can be bleached
    Honestly, kikes are just the best choice. And as a bonus the children of secular Jews tend to become very antisemitic.

    If anyone is more into darker skinned women then theirs beta israelim and mizrachim. They're all this plus they're black/arab (don't tell any mizrachim I called them arabs though) and they cook better

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    Aenglisc_OverKing said:

    Mizrahi Jews also share my hatred of arabs.

    I wonder why I have 6 dislikes yet no one has commented an even a substantial rebuttal? Maybe it’s because you’re all wrong and too stupid or afraid to come up with a response to rational points.

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    tgirl4bwc said:

    this seems like a pretty brutal method *but* it's worth it!

    No doubt!

    Once she is fixed she will be back to her happy and degenerate life of being a black cumslut for any white cocks near her, always ready to take a good load or two fro all its worth.

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    NAaccount said:

    Is this a hentai game/a character maker sim or something?

    This game is something like a dating simulator and it has a separate application, it is a studio on the graphics engine of the game, in which you can make various scenes and animations in the game itself, you can create characters and clothes, etc.

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    aryanclassic said:

    no ur a fed or a larper shill

    As long as you have white children, I don't see a problem with having hapa kids as well. It's a little medieval to have multiple wives, but I don't think it's wrong or makes the women unhappy (so long as you treat them right).

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    Lovey dovey wholesome posts are the best imo. It shows off what makes bleached so different from blacked, the girls in it are actually in love and not just acting out their poorly disguised racist degradation fetish. It’s why so much of blacked porn is about rape and disgusting shit, cause the only girls who’d like it are fatherless guttertrash with huge daddy issues.

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