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DoomDude31 said:

good lightskin fuck meat knows she's for white dick only

I do find it funny that niggers are so ashamed of their ugly black skin that they envy lighter skinned niggers. Niggers are more racist against each other than whites are lmao. Imagine hating your own race for not being as much of a disgusting dark ape as you are.

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    Groomed_Gook_Girl said:

    I do find it funny that niggers are so ashamed of their ugly black skin that they envy lighter skinned niggers. Niggers are more racist against each other than whites are lmao. Imagine hating your own race for not being as much of a disgusting dark ape as you are.

    Actually saw this in practice just the other day, it was wild hearing them clown on another nigger for being darker than them.

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    LatinaOfHearts said:

    Weren't we all? lol

    Nah, I was built different.
    In all seriousness though idk, when you can only wank it to interracial NTR porn while self-inserting as the cuckold, there's clearly something wrong with your head.
    This guy just comes off as a mentally broken masochist imo.

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