


Every time I see this video I can never tell if the guy is white or not.
If you pause the video when he slaps her gun away I swear he looks black but toaster has never used a black model before so i'm not certain.


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    Shrimple said:

    Every time I see this video I can never tell if the guy is white or not.
    If you pause the video when he slaps her gun away I swear he looks black but toaster has never used a black model before so i'm not certain.

    It's a metal arm... It has lights on it

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    evolutionary_8044 said:

    Alright, take 3. Let’s see how long the serenity lasts with this one.

    Lol yeah. people keep replacing this image and it uproars in arguments. I dont agree with this image entierly, but im not going to rage about it like a dumb nigger either.

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