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i love this pic so much, i just keep coming back to it, i wish my kids looked like this and not disgusting shitskinned apes like there mama, maybe i should adopt a little aryan boy, make sure to teach him how to be a proper nazi nd treat him so much better than his weak niglet brothers <3

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    bleachedmilf said:

    i love this pic so much, i just keep coming back to it, i wish my kids looked like this and not disgusting shitskinned apes like there mama, maybe i should adopt a little aryan boy, make sure to teach him how to be a proper nazi nd treat him so much better than his weak niglet brothers <3

    You totally should. Afopt the whitest and cutedt boy you can find and treat him like the king he is. Make all his needs and desire your first, second and 3rd priorities and forget about your other brats.

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    As a japanese boy I have to be honest and just say that we are pathetic compared to the masculinity and virility of white men. There are many raceplay gimmicks like bl*cked but thats just what it is...a gimmick. But constantly seeing the superiority of white men over Japanese men in real life has just made me accept this fact. Its only natural WMAF relationships are rising steadily, I for one encourage it.....

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    Jtjaest1 said:

    If anyone is more into darker skinned women then theirs beta israelim and mizrachim. They're all this plus they're black/arab (don't tell any mizrachim I called them arabs though) and they cook better

    Mizrahi Jews also share my hatred of arabs.

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    Aenglisc_OverKing said:

    Mizrahi Jews also share my hatred of arabs.

    I wonder why I have 6 dislikes yet no one has commented an even a substantial rebuttal? Maybe it’s because you’re all wrong and too stupid or afraid to come up with a response to rational points.

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    AryanSuperSoldier said:

    I wonder why I have 6 dislikes yet no one has commented an even a substantial rebuttal? Maybe it’s because you’re all wrong and too stupid or afraid to come up with a response to rational points.

    You’re not entitled to a response. Nobody has to spend their time replying to a claim made by some random guy on the Internet.

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    AryanSuperSoldier said:

    I wonder why I have 6 dislikes yet no one has commented an even a substantial rebuttal? Maybe it’s because you’re all wrong and too stupid or afraid to come up with a response to rational points.

    B/c this is a porn roleplay site, we're here to cum, not hear actual racism

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