I'm surprised niggers haven't gone extinct yet with how pathetic and inferior they are to the magnificent superior white race ♡ can't wait for the day I can finally worship white cocks in peace without any monkeys around~!
It’s funny how niggers try to claim Asian girls like Marin in real life. But asian woman have more self respect than most other races and stay away from them. They know the superiority of the white man. Better looking, better lovers, and better providers. So keep dreaming niggers. Asian woman find you repulsive in real life.
A new Reich member! Glad she's seen the truth! Seig Heil! 0/
Yes! Every non-white girl should understand that white men are better, if they want a good future for themselves and their children, then they should be bleached, because white men treat their loving and faithful women fairly!
This is the natural end point for all BLM women, on there knees begging for forgiveness for the white man. Nigger whores will always be that it just natural for them to submit to white rule and domination. #whitesupremcy #fuckblm #whitelivesmattermore