


Bleachbunny mind-control, no other race is as efficient at gene-theft as us. Pale enough not to disgust, voluptuous enough to be worthy rape-bait, and fertile enough to get knocked up with just one stray shot. The leg lock is just for fun, its not like you'd pull out~

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    ricecake said:

    Bleachbunny mind-control, no other race is as efficient at gene-theft as us. Pale enough not to disgust, voluptuous enough to be worthy rape-bait, and fertile enough to get knocked up with just one stray shot. The leg lock is just for fun, its not like you'd pull out~

    damm, you know how to sell yourself~

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    phivic1488 said:

    Is there a way to download the map with all the flags and decorations? It looks like a comfy world.

    i will soon make a download for the world so people can upload them and make them private or i try to add a password systeme if i can

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