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LatinaOfHearts said:

Weren't we all? lol

Nah, I was built different.
In all seriousness though idk, when you can only wank it to interracial NTR porn while self-inserting as the cuckold, there's clearly something wrong with your head.
This guy just comes off as a mentally broken masochist imo.

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    NaziKitty said:

    The only reason I would have a nigger "boyfriend" is if he was paying for everything I wanted

    You are better off being a girlfriend tona reall white man, that way you wont disgrace yourself and taint that pure white pussy with something unclean and most likely filled with diseases

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    JauneDaManArc said:

    You are better off being a girlfriend tona reall white man, that way you wont disgrace yourself and taint that pure white pussy with something unclean and most likely filled with diseases

    What makes you think she’s giving him the pleasure of sex? Black men are naturally cucks.

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