


Her womb has instantly recognized what's her has been born to, just by laying her game on that bulky lump on the white dude's crotch.

Once he is done fucking her dark skinned snatch, all she will be interested on would be spreading her legs and get holes whenever a hung white dick is near, her throbbing cunt not allowing her to do anything else but submit and become a white sperm dumpster

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    perfectlygenericusername said:

    She's Japanese, not a "Light-skin Latina" and she certainly doesn't have a "dark skinned snatch". Goddamn, you'd think the people on fucking bleachbooru would be able to identify a skin tone.

    Oh no, don't try to use logic here it won't work. Save yourself the effort.

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    Phat wobbly yellow cheeks, wide hips to bear aryan children and a slint eyed face begging to be abused... yep, Chun Li is a perfect rape-bait for White studs and surely deserve a forceful, merciless pounding to make her understand her place as a fucktoy for superior males.

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    Dream girls. They look so beautiful and are so smart. I'm not even sure which one looks better both have such tempting sexy legs. Best thing would be to breed both and make sure they would give birth to lots of white babies.

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    NoTranniesAllowed said:

    They're both so hot! I can't decide which one on the left i want to fuck on the left. The one on the left i think maybe on the left? maybe? on the left?

    I think both of the one of the left is pretty hot, I can't really decide between the one on the left or the one on the left either? I think personally I'd go with the one on the left.

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    urpaagwife said:

    me personally i dont fw racism like yeah i love white dick a bunch but racism is just mehhh

    I'm only "racist" if she wants me to be as some people find it kinky but even then I have to keep swallowing my laughter as? It's cringey so I have to breathe and not laugh thinking dude you sound so OTT trying way too hard here lol

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    AryanSuperSoldier said:

    Why do you care so much? You’re basically inviting it because you keep making note of it.

    Just annoying is all, like I'll comment or say something and everyone blows up in my face, ridiculous it's a porn site not a hold hands site. Mean I made a small joke not too long ago BANNED 1 month, for a joke! Wth? A joke people

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