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Horde said:

Just having a laugh in the end I don't really care where people come from heck I'm part Jamaican believe it or not, 0.6% apparently someone in my family decided *probably during the slave trade* to have some fun there. Having fucked a Jamaican girl Tara, I can't say I blame em, they're gorgeous

Just taking the piss with you mate!

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    CocoaBunny said:

    Same for me! It really is that praise and love of white men that really does it for me, not to say the degradation isn’t hot lol. But Bleaching for me is the same. Loving interracial and praising white guys <3

    It's not just that you're inferior. It's mostly that we're superior. It's like an amazing artist. You don't focus on the shitty art kids make you focus on the great art that white men have made.

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    CocoaBunny said:

    Same for me! It really is that praise and love of white men that really does it for me, not to say the degradation isn’t hot lol. But Bleaching for me is the same. Loving interracial and praising white guys <3

    Couldn’t agree more. The degradation stuff is great but romance and love is what makes bleached fun and unique. It’s more wholesome in a way.

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    MiasNaziMaster said:

    It's not just that you're inferior. It's mostly that we're superior. It's like an amazing artist. You don't focus on the shitty art kids make you focus on the great art that white men have made.

    absolute truth ~ <33

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    Chink_Bleacher said:

    And why does rhat matter to you that much? You are in a literal bleached kink website and erika makes great custom models, just go touch grass if it bothers u tht much

    That's the most accurate comment I ever read in my whole life

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    This outfit is so cute! I would love to wear this for my beloved Aryan date ❤️ the armband will stay on during sex though ❤️

    This whole video is amazing, thank you for making these. Perfect salute too at the beginning. Sieg Heil! ❤️

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