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LatinaOfHearts said:

That's kinda what you're meant to do with a child..

I always had in my mind that some people into knocking girls up just wanna give a girl a baby and then run off. Could just be modern nihilistic culture and the number of children I hear about with fathers fucking with perception.

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    purewhiteboy_dmsopen said:

    I always had in my mind that some people into knocking girls up just wanna give a girl a baby and then run off. Could just be modern nihilistic culture and the number of children I hear about with fathers fucking with perception.

    Those are nigger things and as we know niggers aren't people, they're animals sooooo 🤷🏻

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    Great art, she's incredibly hot and arousing, but one thing is unacceptable for me if I could choose one hole going raw inside her it would be her pussy to breed her. If we would have anal I'd rather wear condom and take it off when getting close to dump my huge load directly into her womb. It's just art, but still my lust for Asian slut like her really makes me want to bleach her womb.

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    UsernamesAreOutdated said:

    "Just then, white women felt fear for the first time."
    Cuz really, white women can be bitchy. AND i have slight cuckquean fetish, soooo.... I would allow my hubby to breed as much asian beauties as possible!!!

    Ideal wife tbh

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    Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

    Interviewing white foreigners lived on TV was the best idea ever for tourism~! Now white foreigner demands have skyrocket in all chink countries ♡

    Us white women gotta get to making our own. Gonna make sure we get more of the white men’s attention

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    UsernamesAreOutdated said:

    "Just then, white women felt fear for the first time."
    Cuz really, white women can be bitchy. AND i have slight cuckquean fetish, soooo.... I would allow my hubby to breed as much asian beauties as possible!!!

    that is a goal, bleaching chinks with the wife

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  • Date Uploader BlutWieEisen Rating Questionable
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    Fascination said:

    Six minutes after I tell him that I'm not really into white guys.

    how tf can you get that question wrong? Maybe there is a reason we are superior, but her face is matchingly stupid so I have no doubts that she is literally you being pounded by a white stud~

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    Bussy4U said:

    I'm a white boy but I'd make sure to stay glued to a bwc like that like we were in mating season♡

    So hot. I’d let a hung white alpha treat me like breed meat any day. Just rearing my ass and presenting myself as a squishy plaything, ripe for the taking~

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    American soldiers have to do hard work keeping the terrorists at bay in Pakistan. In order to recieve some recompense, it has become mandatory to pray to and fuck every white american soldier in the local Masjid. As a result the fenale prayer turn out has also increased 3x now that they've discovered a god worth worshipping.

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