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rape a needy negress today! fat brown bums shamelessly splayed like yoru are asking for it anyways. make use of their obese monkeycheeks while you exterminate their excuse for “men”. maybe take her home as a new family pet.
white cocks matter~!

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    Kriemhild said:

    Hey, it was a very cheap sale on the local fleamarket, and that bootleg Naruto with a big ass sword looked kinda good!

    That trash narutard is full of niggers that wear down the show's quality. You shouldn't keep watching dogshit like that when you have a jungle bunny masterpiece like BLEACH to make you smarter and less like the niggers in narutrash.

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    izukuiswhite said:

    kind of sad that people cuck izuku on this site like talk about someone who totally is a white guy it why the guy who made him treat him like shit

    His parents are both Japanese, his name is Japanese, he was born in Japan, he lives in Japan, he fights for Japan.
    You: He’s white.

    Are you retarded or black? or both.

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    As a high achiever Uraraka was easily able to receive a hero mentorship in the United states, the land of superheroes itself.

    By day she would train and by night she would be servicing her mentor's big white cock. Occasionally her ex, thinking she was still in japan, would give her a call only to be swiftly rejected. Like many a japanese girl before her, she now belonged to a white man. Her body now addicted.

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    White men just finished the job, (yob if your a beaner) that the spaniards, french, germans, english, mexicans couldn't. The real white men, aka USA White men aka saviours of mankind and humanity did. Real American's tamed the red man, and in turn the red men helped the US defeat the yellow man. AKA the Japs via codebreakers, aka windtalkers).

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    It is normal for the public to think that the police have arrested the robber, but when we find out that the robber is a white man, we will not arrest her, we will protect the robber from the city and offer him some services as an Asian bitch.After a massacre and robbery of Asian banks, I thought the noble White God needed to vent his anger~

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    This is how I'd treat every racist white criminal after helping them destroy evidence and get away~ Especially murderers! Nothing hotter than finding a guy with a swastika tattoo standing over a nigger's corpse and know that he's going to kill again after this~ <3

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    You wouldn't be able to stop me~ I mean, we know every cop is corrupt, so, why not have some fun while we can, I'm not asking for bribes, I'm just asking for big white cocks~

    Any white criminal can just go with no issues, just a small warning, and my number of course

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    japanese_slut said:

    Before I couldn't believe it. It seems incredible that white men have such big cocks, compared to the small penises of Japanese virgins. But it seems to be real. White men are a hundred or a thousand times superior to us. I love white cock <3

    Spoken like a proper slant-eyed slut that’s seen the truth. More chinks need to learn about the fact that all White men are vastly superior compared to those shrimp-dicked rice cucks

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