


It would be the greatest honor to be able to pay a well endowed white man a hefty sum in exchange for him taking ownership of my daughter as a fuckpet for him to breed, and to share amongst his white friends so my daughter can pleasure their cocks as well. That would be the greatest success I could hope for my daughter.

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    breedmydaughter said:

    It would be the greatest honor to be able to pay a well endowed white man a hefty sum in exchange for him taking ownership of my daughter as a fuckpet for him to breed, and to share amongst his white friends so my daughter can pleasure their cocks as well. That would be the greatest success I could hope for my daughter.

    I’d gladly take both your money and daughter! I’d raise her well, teach her all about the importance of her white gods and how society has poisoned the minds of girls just like her against doing what they were born to do and being what they were born to be, before I set her out upon other girls to spread what she has learned, and hopefully bring other girls back home to be taught properly.

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    Whitepaladin said:

    I’d gladly take both your money and daughter! I’d raise her well, teach her all about the importance of her white gods and how society has poisoned the minds of girls just like her against doing what they were born to do and being what they were born to be, before I set her out upon other girls to spread what she has learned, and hopefully bring other girls back home to be taught properly.

    I wish my dad gave me to youu

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    Horde said:

    Just having a laugh in the end I don't really care where people come from heck I'm part Jamaican believe it or not, 0.6% apparently someone in my family decided *probably during the slave trade* to have some fun there. Having fucked a Jamaican girl Tara, I can't say I blame em, they're gorgeous

    Just taking the piss with you mate!

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    CocoaBunny said:

    Same for me! It really is that praise and love of white men that really does it for me, not to say the degradation isn’t hot lol. But Bleaching for me is the same. Loving interracial and praising white guys <3

    It's not just that you're inferior. It's mostly that we're superior. It's like an amazing artist. You don't focus on the shitty art kids make you focus on the great art that white men have made.

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    CocoaBunny said:

    Same for me! It really is that praise and love of white men that really does it for me, not to say the degradation isn’t hot lol. But Bleaching for me is the same. Loving interracial and praising white guys <3

    Couldn’t agree more. The degradation stuff is great but romance and love is what makes bleached fun and unique. It’s more wholesome in a way.

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    MiasNaziMaster said:

    It's not just that you're inferior. It's mostly that we're superior. It's like an amazing artist. You don't focus on the shitty art kids make you focus on the great art that white men have made.

    absolute truth ~ <33

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