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BlutWieEisen said:

Getting a bit ''who fucking cares'' here but pop off. Just my thoughts on the past year

Tl;dr Thanks for the support, it means a lot, more edits coming in 2025

I've done the Admiral Nazi editing for a year and change now, and it's really been pretty cool to see my own improvement from when I first started to where I'm at now. I've always striven to go to the pixel if I have to and really going the extra mile with detailing. It's awesome that editors and consumers alike have seen the effort I put into the pictures I defile and have shown their support.

I hit a slump when I was hit with a shadowban/algo assfucking on Twitter in the late summer, and it definitely affected my motivation to make these for a while. It takes a lot of time to edit the way I do, and while I acknowledge that's entirely a prison of my own making, I'm a perfectionist and I don't like half-assing pictures for the sake of just putting something out there. I've always been very outspoken and opinionated, and that's not worked in my benefit either. Hell, you only need to go a few comments back in my history to see me rage at an annoying RP comment right here on Booru. I stand by what I say, but it's another reason I've polarized even further in the niche that I exist in. Definitely a bit of introspection here, but I just need to shut the fuck up more. It's not that serious, man, you put Nazi symbols on anime women, get off your high horse.

I originally didn't upload any of my content to Booru because of its insistence on allowing shota and loli content, but it was my girlfriend that encouraged me to anyways to expose my work to a broader audience. I know my presence on here, especially when I was a mod for a bit, hasn't always been without controversy, but I still do really appreciate the supportive comments and hope to keep providing you with a constantly improving stream of edits.

I love trying new things and figuring out new, dumb and convoluted ways of editing shit. I've recently dipped my toes into some L2D animated edits, that's been a lot of fun, but I still want to keep learning. To me, editing really is just about utilizing all the tools you've picked up over time, and constantly trying new things. Sometimes it really won't work and it'll be fucking shit, but at least I'll try it out rather than settling for what I already know. If you've been on the fence about learning how to edit: Do so, make it one of your new years resolutions idk. Me, Lovecrown, Kurochan, Burnice, Amon, basically every editor I know will happily help you learn. We need more people making this content, not less.

So thanks. It's been great seeing the community grow and flourish after a rocky end to 2023, and I love seeing the average quality of edits improve over time as people get more experienced with Bleached and its offshoots. So whether you're a fan, decidedly not a fan, editor or even the cringe RPers I have such a vendetta against: Danke. Have a great New Years' Eve, stay safe and see you on the other side.

Nice work, you honestly were part of what inspired me to start drawing bleached at the end of last year, hope I can make plenty more this year

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    BlutWieEisen said:

    Getting a bit ''who fucking cares'' here but pop off. Just my thoughts on the past year

    Tl;dr Thanks for the support, it means a lot, more edits coming in 2025

    I've done the Admiral Nazi editing for a year and change now, and it's really been pretty cool to see my own improvement from when I first started to where I'm at now. I've always striven to go to the pixel if I have to and really going the extra mile with detailing. It's awesome that editors and consumers alike have seen the effort I put into the pictures I defile and have shown their support.

    I hit a slump when I was hit with a shadowban/algo assfucking on Twitter in the late summer, and it definitely affected my motivation to make these for a while. It takes a lot of time to edit the way I do, and while I acknowledge that's entirely a prison of my own making, I'm a perfectionist and I don't like half-assing pictures for the sake of just putting something out there. I've always been very outspoken and opinionated, and that's not worked in my benefit either. Hell, you only need to go a few comments back in my history to see me rage at an annoying RP comment right here on Booru. I stand by what I say, but it's another reason I've polarized even further in the niche that I exist in. Definitely a bit of introspection here, but I just need to shut the fuck up more. It's not that serious, man, you put Nazi symbols on anime women, get off your high horse.

    I originally didn't upload any of my content to Booru because of its insistence on allowing shota and loli content, but it was my girlfriend that encouraged me to anyways to expose my work to a broader audience. I know my presence on here, especially when I was a mod for a bit, hasn't always been without controversy, but I still do really appreciate the supportive comments and hope to keep providing you with a constantly improving stream of edits.

    I love trying new things and figuring out new, dumb and convoluted ways of editing shit. I've recently dipped my toes into some L2D animated edits, that's been a lot of fun, but I still want to keep learning. To me, editing really is just about utilizing all the tools you've picked up over time, and constantly trying new things. Sometimes it really won't work and it'll be fucking shit, but at least I'll try it out rather than settling for what I already know. If you've been on the fence about learning how to edit: Do so, make it one of your new years resolutions idk. Me, Lovecrown, Kurochan, Burnice, Amon, basically every editor I know will happily help you learn. We need more people making this content, not less.

    So thanks. It's been great seeing the community grow and flourish after a rocky end to 2023, and I love seeing the average quality of edits improve over time as people get more experienced with Bleached and its offshoots. So whether you're a fan, decidedly not a fan, editor or even the cringe RPers I have such a vendetta against: Danke. Have a great New Years' Eve, stay safe and see you on the other side.

    Thanks for your work.
    Tho why look at rp as something bad instead of it being a compliment that your work was so good it inspired people to put energy into enjoying it in that way.

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    BlutWieEisen said:

    Getting a bit ''who fucking cares'' here but pop off. Just my thoughts on the past year

    Tl;dr Thanks for the support, it means a lot, more edits coming in 2025

    I've done the Admiral Nazi editing for a year and change now, and it's really been pretty cool to see my own improvement from when I first started to where I'm at now. I've always striven to go to the pixel if I have to and really going the extra mile with detailing. It's awesome that editors and consumers alike have seen the effort I put into the pictures I defile and have shown their support.

    I hit a slump when I was hit with a shadowban/algo assfucking on Twitter in the late summer, and it definitely affected my motivation to make these for a while. It takes a lot of time to edit the way I do, and while I acknowledge that's entirely a prison of my own making, I'm a perfectionist and I don't like half-assing pictures for the sake of just putting something out there. I've always been very outspoken and opinionated, and that's not worked in my benefit either. Hell, you only need to go a few comments back in my history to see me rage at an annoying RP comment right here on Booru. I stand by what I say, but it's another reason I've polarized even further in the niche that I exist in. Definitely a bit of introspection here, but I just need to shut the fuck up more. It's not that serious, man, you put Nazi symbols on anime women, get off your high horse.

    I originally didn't upload any of my content to Booru because of its insistence on allowing shota and loli content, but it was my girlfriend that encouraged me to anyways to expose my work to a broader audience. I know my presence on here, especially when I was a mod for a bit, hasn't always been without controversy, but I still do really appreciate the supportive comments and hope to keep providing you with a constantly improving stream of edits.

    I love trying new things and figuring out new, dumb and convoluted ways of editing shit. I've recently dipped my toes into some L2D animated edits, that's been a lot of fun, but I still want to keep learning. To me, editing really is just about utilizing all the tools you've picked up over time, and constantly trying new things. Sometimes it really won't work and it'll be fucking shit, but at least I'll try it out rather than settling for what I already know. If you've been on the fence about learning how to edit: Do so, make it one of your new years resolutions idk. Me, Lovecrown, Kurochan, Burnice, Amon, basically every editor I know will happily help you learn. We need more people making this content, not less.

    So thanks. It's been great seeing the community grow and flourish after a rocky end to 2023, and I love seeing the average quality of edits improve over time as people get more experienced with Bleached and its offshoots. So whether you're a fan, decidedly not a fan, editor or even the cringe RPers I have such a vendetta against: Danke. Have a great New Years' Eve, stay safe and see you on the other side.

    Congratulations and thank you for such good masterpieces, may you have good fortune my man.

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    Honestly though… imagine not being uppity and causing problems for those that brought us into civilization instead of our fucking huts and mud bathing days

    “Oh you have given us a tripled life expectancy, amazing food, warmth, comfort and luxuries out the ass and all we need to so is to have ONE man or woman in our lives we worship like god? Sorry… I let the monkey part of the brain take over… because that person IS a god?”

    And somehow so many of us just don’t register that without them… we’d be chucking spears at one another still

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    Being a wholesome protective ,loving and nurturing daddy of my daughter and her friends as they didnt have healthy fatherly support from their own family due to failure of men of their races.
    Making them food snacks whenever they are around the house,giving advices and providing support ,care and love for them,that they dont get anywhere else .
    So they decided to return the love and care by pleasuring me and sharing themselves with someone they trust ,respect and love <3 to take their virginities~

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    using google as a source of info lmao, your spics are not white, real life isn't like your favoeite blacked cuck porn, america is white, europe race mixes far more then america, latin america is not white and never was deal with it spic lover

    14Templar88 said:

    you can search it up in google, search how much of the population in Chile is white and then search then in the US. nigger

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    pocbreeder300 said:

    There are far more mixed race people in chile then america, america is only 4% interracial, chile 20%

    bro, sources? I mean, I know the US is also white, but in almost every page I saw that there is a larger percentage of white Chileans that white Americans.

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    pocbreeder300 said:

    using google as a source of info lmao, your spics are not white, real life isn't like your favoeite blacked cuck porn, america is white, europe race mixes far more then america, latin america is not white and never was deal with it spic lover

    Reasons why I'm ashamed of being called American:

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