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Daniella said:

“Well “Daddy”always holds my head like this when feeding me my favorite snack… though usually my mouth hurts a ton after”

"And yet every time I grab your head and shove this white piece of meat down your throat, all i can feel is how you struggle to take even more inside your body and the way your needy and slutty black kiddy mouth sucks and drools around my thick shaft, never stopping until you get your tight innards bleached, painted in white come. Just like I can even feel your tight and warm asshole clenching around a couple of my large fingers as I sunk them in your behind, as if you were begging for more of that too."

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    I have made the Penis a brighter shade as well as edited a less censored image .
    I known a certain members of this websites staff have a particular destain for me in particular and would seek to profit from my loss of status but could you please not use such condescending language against me in the future when you wish to critique an edit I have made

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    yomihara-exec said:

    Date that mustard gas was first used against the Entente. I was also tempted to use the date July 31 1917 as that’s the proper start of the Battle of Passchendaele.

    I appreciate the autistic and niche detail of making a mustard gas reference on the poison gas Valorant character more than you know. Banger, sire

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    i love ruining this demonic sluts pussy! ever since she found out beast boys micro dick doesent grow past two inches, no matter what he transforms into- ive been mounting and bleaching this magical super slut in his place!

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