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White_Princess said:

Whats wrong honey~? Arent you enjoying your new mommy-slave's new bikini? What, you still think I'm thinking about my old chink son? Oh honey... I dont even remember his name~ When you walked into my life by kicking down my door and shooting my husband all I've been able to think about is serving you darling~ As your wife, and as your new mommy~

OMG nazi shotas conquering a whole family (he'll sissify your old son and make him useful as a slave to someone else)... I think a nazi shota needs a lot of mommies!

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    I'm sure their daddy is so proud of them. Such wonderful two sluts ready to get fucked and bred by superior white cock. It's amazing sight to see their slutty holes being in sight only missing thing is white seed dripping down from them ❤️

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    Lucy made sure that her chink friend was exposed to her purpose in life because her friends own daddy didnt want to be a cuck. Unfortunately for him, there is no stopping a little chink girls brain from entirely rewriting itself when faced with a BWC.

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    Nordic_redhaired_Bvll said:

    Santa always struggles to make my gifts fit down the chimney~ (this year I wished for a busty racist nazi aryan woman)

    also snowy small european villages are always comfy and peak!

    I shall visit one eventually, i want to see the rich european culture. Not the new nigger rat desert mixed muslim europe culture

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    8492nd said:

    I shall visit one eventually, i want to see the rich european culture. Not the new nigger rat desert mixed muslim europe culture

    Small peaceful white towns are the best. It gives a taste of what the rest of europe could be like if we remaines largely ethnically homogenous. Sadly they are now airdropping migrants on these towns too so you should see them Before they vanish

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    WhiteBratBull said:

    I dunno why she's looking so ashamed, there's nothing to be ashamed about anymore, now that she knows her place!~

    What if shes still a virgin, and just wanted to be fucked by a white man so badly she went to expose herself on a beach for the first time ever just for a chance to have her insides turned into mush by bwc

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    She's all about family after all~
    Bounce her on that dick until the ethnic onahole milks you of all that pent up baby batter, until her womb is painted an alabaster shade of white~ Have that Hawaiian fuck doll improve her future genes with a hefty helping of hot nut slop directly into her young babybox~!

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    LatinaOfHearts said:

    And you can still fuck neither... White cock is their God and they'll both do anything to please it. You're only here to watch them get gangbanged by your white superiors and grind your little dicklet against a chastity cage. 🤍

    Now now, sometimes we want to fuck the inferior dicklet faggots too. You should worship properly, let the white men decide what to do with you people, okay doll~?

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    DizzyYellow said:

    Now now, sometimes we want to fuck the inferior dicklet faggots too. You should worship properly, let the white men decide what to do with you people, okay doll~?

    A woman who fucked an inferior has only 2 possibilities: 1) get fucked so much by a white man she get brain damage and firget about the inferior, 2) never get bleached again because she's tainted

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    JohnleWhite said:

    A woman who fucked an inferior has only 2 possibilities: 1) get fucked so much by a white man she get brain damage and firget about the inferior, 2) never get bleached again because she's tainted

    This is quite true irl, sadly wwomen that fall for cultural brainwashing social engineering race mixing ,the darker skin the worse become status/value tainted and no decent whiteman wants them after even friends or family alinate them too, plenty of such stories online or irl.
    Its the single biggest thing a whitewoman can do to ruin her life permanently, heck even fucking her dog is far far less bad.
    I feel sad for them but still wouldnt want to associate with them, betraying your own tribe is a serious taboo that has social consequences and as proven in studies most people have intense viceral disgust reaction as shown on brainscans,due to natural evolutionary tribe loyalty instincts .
    Just wish more of them knew of consequences before making life ruining mistake.

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    A white Aryan Goddess is an embodiment of divine feminine in physical form, unmatched natural beauty and perfection~
    I so deeply value and appreciate my fellow white aryan women over any other race! the brownie can only be our slave to serve and worship us but my white aryan wifey gets my heart ,bwc and the best of me always~
    especially a strong russian beauty like that i know that our kids will be tall and strong
    I will breed her with all the love and passion in the world~knowing we will be great parents and have a big strong wholesome white family <3

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