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slutty_arslan_altan said:

whoever made this slut a lesbian is just wrong. I mean, look at that face. does that look like the face of a dyke?

They wrongfully thing that making female characters lesbos will make them look tougher. Idk, but I'm pretty sure that taking and enduring BWC makes you way tougher than carpet munching does.

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    Queenseeker said:

    They wrongfully thing that making female characters lesbos will make them look tougher. Idk, but I'm pretty sure that taking and enduring BWC makes you way tougher than carpet munching does.

    Thatโ€™s the given reason, the real reason that comes from the top, is that they donโ€™t want men to have access to nice things.
    Edit: Lara Croft is hot

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    slutty_arslan_altan said:

    whoever made this slut a lesbian is just wrong. I mean, look at that face. does that look like the face of a dyke?

    Making this white hottie a dyke is another attempt to fish for some brownie points.

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    Jean: Do you like my cock?! Much better than Eren's non-white one, right?! ah! How tight!
    Mikasa: Yes! You are much better! And much bigger! ah! Keep it up!
    Annie: Don't forget about me! I also want my white seed!
    Pieck: Ybyo! I want you to get me pregnant!
    Jean: Of course! ah! And Mikasat, what do you think that when we defeat Eren, we capture him and force him to watch me fuck you?
    Mikasa: I think it's a great idea ~

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    Ugh, all cause I'm korean doesn't mean I'm going to be helpless in front of you. The submissive asian girl stereotype is soooo outdated'

    >2 seconds after talking to a big white guy

    'Ahhh, this korean body belongs to you white daddy. I'm your bitch, fucking own me.

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    That's what friends are for, I needed to travel and asked my friend to stay at my house and help my husband while I'm away, I even let her sleep in bed with him since the couch isn't comfortable, I'm glad to have such a cool friend

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    I wish I could lock my friend in the bathroom with my husband until I heard moanings, she certainly wouldn't want to leave after all the talk about how good he is at sex, I'm sure I got her interested in him. I can't take it anymore, they are so beautiful together, I need to see them having passionate sex in front of me.

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    Race_Traitor_Teacher said:

    omg finally bleached borru is back online ive been unable to find good porn for days!
    and hes so cute, id gladly be a slave for a whit king like him~ i need me some cute cracker boy bwc so badly rn ~.~

    Lol, bleached is the best kind of porn then?

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    Oh my god, this is wonderful!!~ This is my dream: to be a servant for a young white master and bear mixed children for him!~ I am ready to please him every day!~ I would love to worship and kiss his huge ivory cock, his balls full of young white sperm and his cute ass!~

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