I'm surprised niggers haven't gone extinct yet with how pathetic and inferior they are to the magnificent superior white race ♡ can't wait for the day I can finally worship white cocks in peace without any monkeys around~!
It’s funny how niggers try to claim Asian girls like Marin in real life. But asian woman have more self respect than most other races and stay away from them. They know the superiority of the white man. Better looking, better lovers, and better providers. So keep dreaming niggers. Asian woman find you repulsive in real life.
I'm surprised niggers haven't gone extinct yet with how pathetic and inferior they are to the magnificent superior white race ♡ can't wait for the day I can finally worship white cocks in peace without any monkeys around~!
Someone’s gotta do all the work, at this point getting cucked by a white man might be the best part of their life
Damn this girl with I guess I could say pale skin looks so incredibly beautiful. I wish I could have lots of fun with her body and give her this bleaching she needs. Though that other cutie is crazy hot too both would make wonderful bleaching partners to have pure white kids and make Europe great again
Wish we'd get more captions with guys who're nicer but still racist and shi. Like obviously acknowledging it's not her fault she's her race or that she has this urge and lust for a white man. But still calls her the little nigger she is, idk maybe I'm retarded
Hi there!! Im here again with more content! Please, write a comment to let me know how I can improve Btw, happy Valentines day!! Wait? Where are you going? For valentines I have a special Patreon super secret promotion, a 30% in ALL MY TIERS!! Here is the code:A888E
My links: If you want to support me with money 💸, here you have my Patreon (It helps me a lot!! 🙏)
@BleachedQueen1 I'm sorry you had to see that shitshow earlier. This is great, btw. More Bleached HMVs are always appreciated.
@GorgeWBussy Dont worry about it, I dont care at all, I know he is a loser and very annoying.He joined my Discord server and he started to talk with other random guy about something really serious and creepy in the sfw channel, and before banning him I told him to stop (oc he didnt). Im glad you liked it! I will probably make more HMV Thank you!! <3
Hi there!! Im here again with more content! Please, write a comment to let me know how I can improve Btw, happy Valentines day!! Wait? Where are you going? For valentines I have a special Patreon super secret promotion, a 30% in ALL MY TIERS!! Here is the code:A888E
My links: If you want to support me with money 💸, here you have my Patreon (It helps me a lot!! 🙏)
@BleachedQueen@BleachedQueen1 Is server down? Or did I get kicked out? Cuz I have no idea what have I done to get kicked out besides maybe not being online for couple of days. + Link doesn't seem to work, but idk if that can happen if I got kicked out. Can I get back?
@BleachedQueen@BleachedQueen1 Is server down? Or did I get kicked out? Cuz I have no idea what have I done to get kicked out besides maybe not being online for couple of days. + Link doesn't seem to work, but idk if that can happen if I got kicked out. Can I get back?
@dvrnoe The server is still working, I just did a verification server to avoid undesired people get in. Here you have the link: https://discord.gg/V87JJUp5Hm
*Your black co-worker goes on and on about how fanatical he is about a singer and one day that singer releases a one-time “Meet & Greet” Super Special ticket for sale*
*You buy it just to annoy the black guy so he can't get the ticket, making him offer you exaggerated amounts of money until at the end you accept a generous sum but to screw him even more you give him a fake ticket*
*The day comes, the black guy ends up going to jail for trying to sneak into the event and in the meantime you will enjoy your reward, the ticket and the black guy's money*
*The singer offers you a first class sexual service with her huge breasts thinking you are a dedicated fan for buying the ticket but you haven't even heard a song from this bitch and now you have your big white dick between her big tits*