


Cortez was a monster and his doing brought terrible consequences for the natives as much as for the white colonizers. Not only he robbed and pillaged for himself soo much gold and precious artifacts that could have fuelled europe, not only he ravaged a fertile land making the later occupation and sustaining of the colonies much more difficult, but he slaughtered countless fertile native wombs and made impossible to ever appear as the righteous liberators for everyone populating those lands. Cortez is no hero, if anything he's a traitor of the White cause

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    This is a porn site not a history site, can you I dunno use it for that? You're blabbering on about stuff that A was illegal for everyone who did it back then one way or another and B NO ONE CARES ABOUT.

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    XMaster03 said:

    Cortez was a monster and his doing brought terrible consequences for the natives as much as for the white colonizers. Not only he robbed and pillaged for himself soo much gold and precious artifacts that could have fuelled europe, not only he ravaged a fertile land making the later occupation and sustaining of the colonies much more difficult, but he slaughtered countless fertile native wombs and made impossible to ever appear as the righteous liberators for everyone populating those lands. Cortez is no hero, if anything he's a traitor of the White cause

    Black legend bullshit, yawn

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    Cortez was a hung colonizador and his doing brought amazing orgasms for the natives as much as for the white colonizers. Not only he pounded and wifed up for himself soo much spic babes and precious meso-american hoties that could have fuelled Spain, not only he ravaged a fertile cunt making the later mestizaje and sustaining of the mixed babies much easier, but he bleached countless fertile native wombs and made possible to appear as the righteous liberators and pounders for everyone populating those lands. Cortez is no cuck, if anything he's a top breeder of the White cause.

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    The show aside, I think it is hot when we pretend to be "offended" when white guys oggle us or fetishize us but still get in bed with them because it really just makes us horny

    There was a funny parody video I saw by this asian girl where she's arguing with a white guy about how the oxford study isn't accurate to real life. At the end he just ignores everything she says and asks her if she likes white guys. Ofc she says yes, and ofc when he asks if he can colonize her she says yes again. I was like so true~

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    shortysubby said:

    The show aside, I think it is hot when we pretend to be "offended" when white guys oggle us or fetishize us but still get in bed with them because it really just makes us horny

    There was a funny parody video I saw by this asian girl where she's arguing with a white guy about how the oxford study isn't accurate to real life. At the end he just ignores everything she says and asks her if she likes white guys. Ofc she says yes, and ofc when he asks if he can colonize her she says yes again. I was like so true~

    I saw part of that video. Pretty funny stuff

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    I would be into breeding a latina as long as shes racist and channels her inner spicy crazy latina essence into being a protective lovingly supportive mother and wife ~<3 Go full crazy and jump on my bwc and tell me you will love me forever and call me your racist hubby~<3 and i will fill you with my white babies, love you and wife you up~

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    Sex is ONLY for procreation!
    Good thing i want to procreate and breed my loving racist trad white wifey everyday tho <3
    I dont care about kinks, dirty talk etc just tell me how much of a good supportive,caring and loving wifey you would be to me and how good of a mother you would be to my future kids and i will fill you up so much and marry you~<3

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    BwcAndWholesome said:

    Sex is ONLY for procreation!
    Good thing i want to procreate and breed my loving racist trad white wifey everyday tho <3
    I dont care about kinks, dirty talk etc just tell me how much of a good supportive,caring and loving wifey you would be to me and how good of a mother you would be to my future kids and i will fill you up so much and marry you~<3

    Based and Love pilled

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    AryanSuperSoldier said:

    Someone here is disliking those 2 comments, but I liked them back because of the wholesomeness.

    Any comments that seems to talk down on kink is probably going to Get disliked on a kink site

    I would go so far as to say that saying:

    BwcAndWholesome said:

    Sex is ONLY for procreation!

    Is not a wholesome statement and is a very limited view on what sex is and what it does. It's not a good opener

    I could probably go on a little bit more about how @BwcAndWholesome 's comment is not really that wholesome as much as its wearing the skin of wholesomeness but I don't want to shit up the comments too much

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