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Explains how the natives lost so quickly, their deities got bleached on day 1 and abandoned them completely.
She may be a goddess but a nigger is a nigger and there's nothing she can do as soon as a white man grabs her by the hair and shoves his cock in.

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    Tattoos are always interesting to me, especially full body ones. You're just covering yourself completely in permanent imagery showing how being white only is just apart of your very being. Honestly lol I think it's really appealing to have a fantasy world where the tattoos magically show up on your body after you've fully devoted yourself to bwc~

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    Seeing how everyone in Avatar is pretty much Asian, this would be the natural outcome if we were to throw a White man into the mix. Someone like Azula would put a lot of resistance at first, but she'd turn out to be the most loyal and subservient whore.

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