


I know the urge to just slam that aching ivory rod down that tiny young throat like the virile beast you are is overwhelming~ but be patient, she's trying to practice serving you. Keep those hips still and let that tiny wet mouth work on you and wring you out one load at a time~

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    Dream woman for me. I'm so aroused by her perfect body it would be so wonderful to breed her. I bet she's so light I could hold her in my arms forever. Also her breasts are so my type I love such size the most. She would look so beautiful with pregnant belly and lactating breats...

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    Well Souls franchise have lots of sexy woman even though I doubt it was their goal. I think she's hottest among all of them. Even if you think about Elden Ring I still find Priscilla the best. Probably it's mainly because her white outfit that looks so pure and arousing. She's perfect :)

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