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Oriflamme said:

AAA game in 2024 and video game devs and corpo publishers tend to be retarded libs so it fits their world view.

Oriflamme said:

AAA game in 2024 and video game devs and corpo publishers tend to be retarded libs so it fits their world view.

Oriflamme said:

AAA game in 2024 and video game devs and corpo publishers tend to be retarded libs so it fits their world view.

Yeah but those games get boycotted like mad so? LOL

When it comes to any media just make something compelling and stop fking race swapping or gender swapping characters or plastering a "new" woke garbage label on a already great property. Looking at you Disney! Stop being a fking tool and start acting like a company ffs! Get so fed up with woke nonsense and no not because I'm white it's because it's dumb crap no one likes and the "audience" they pander to don't even watch the dam things! So what's the point?

Be like making a PG Warhammer series, it's retarded

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    Horde said:

    Yeah but those games get boycotted like mad so? LOL

    When it comes to any media just make something compelling and stop fking race swapping or gender swapping characters or plastering a "new" woke garbage label on a already great property. Looking at you Disney! Stop being a fking tool and start acting like a company ffs! Get so fed up with woke nonsense and no not because I'm white it's because it's dumb crap no one likes and the "audience" they pander to don't even watch the dam things! So what's the point?

    Be like making a PG Warhammer series, it's retarded

    I'm not sure why you're getting upset, seemingly partially at me even. I'm just saying with current trends, I wouldn't be surprised. Though it's a modern day Bonnie and Clyde tale so they either both die in the end or you may be able to choose who betrays who since you play as both of them by switching like in GTA V in which case, there will be all sorts of hilarious impotent outrage over people who choose to betray the latina girlboss.

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    Oriflamme said:

    I'm not sure why you're getting upset, seemingly partially at me even. I'm just saying with current trends, I wouldn't be surprised. Though it's a modern day Bonnie and Clyde tale so they either both die in the end or you may be able to choose who betrays who since you play as both of them by switching like in GTA V in which case, there will be all sorts of hilarious impotent outrage over people who choose to betray the latina girlboss.

    Not upset at you, just pointing out how lame modern films and entertainment are is all. You've done nothing wrong, why would I be mad at you, you've done nothing wrong. Plus I actually like the idea of playing as female character in a gta game, it might shed a new perspective on things or have alternate choices which would be nice, but seeing how most modern female characters are written? I'm holding my breath. I really do hope we get a Ellen Ripley or Sarah Connor aka awesome female character who's also a badass to play as and not another fking Rey or "Cpt Marvel" aka Brie Lameson!

    She butchered that character! Cpt Marvel was a good character in the comics really good and she had to ruin them, thanks Brie thanks for ruining my childhood and reading the comics myself getting to know the character to the point I jumped up and down with joy seeing that symbol at the end of Infinity War and my friends couldn't understand why. Because I was sooooo excited to see Cpt Marvel on screen, and she blew it! What a waste, I do hope Lucia doesn't blow it I really really do please make a good character RS you've made so many already

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    Oriflamme said:

    I'm not sure why you're getting upset, seemingly partially at me even. I'm just saying with current trends, I wouldn't be surprised. Though it's a modern day Bonnie and Clyde tale so they either both die in the end or you may be able to choose who betrays who since you play as both of them by switching like in GTA V in which case, there will be all sorts of hilarious impotent outrage over people who choose to betray the latina girlboss.

    PS GTAV isn't the 1st to have 3 protagonists, GTAIV did with its DLC tying the 3 characters together which is most likely where GTAV got the idea of 3 playable characters from. My favourite GTA is still 4, why? Like Fallout 3 it was my introduction to it all and that'll never change also having been to NYC alot I loved how honestly authentic NYC was lol. I felt like I was genuinely back there

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    In this universe, Miles was left alone and desperate for Gwen's return, but she had met a handsome man who completely captivated her and made her forget all about the foolish Miles.

    Now Miles spends the rest of his days making silly drawings in his notebook to remember Gwen, while she gets a lot of pleasure every night being fucked by a man with a huge white cock <3

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