


I know the urge to just slam that aching ivory rod down that tiny young throat like the virile beast you are is overwhelming~ but be patient, she's trying to practice serving you. Keep those hips still and let that tiny wet mouth work on you and wring you out one load at a time~

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    Dream woman for me. I'm so aroused by her perfect body it would be so wonderful to breed her. I bet she's so light I could hold her in my arms forever. Also her breasts are so my type I love such size the most. She would look so beautiful with pregnant belly and lactating breats...

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    Well Souls franchise have lots of sexy woman even though I doubt it was their goal. I think she's hottest among all of them. Even if you think about Elden Ring I still find Priscilla the best. Probably it's mainly because her white outfit that looks so pure and arousing. She's perfect :)

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    AyranWoman4U said:

    The way the sign looks it looks like she has a bwc you can use.

    Idk where it is tho so false advertising smh

    It's not hers, but she is offering her BF's BWC to any other colored bleachbunny queens who want a white baby.

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    There’s something so hot about this image it triggered me so hard and I’ve been fingering for 5 minutes now. Idk if it’s the contrast, the surprise face, the glasses, the leggings, the huge amounts of cum, or just the super hot cock, but it got sooo wet

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