So progressive of him to celebrate black history month with his adopted daughter! Teach her exactly how white masters would use their house niglets back then <3
So progressive of him to celebrate black history month with his adopted daughter! Teach her exactly how white masters would use their house niglets back then <3
Is all the Niggers deserve, to be put back in their place, one raped cunt at a time, we will fix the natural order
This art is dream, absolute peak. I'm so envy of this guy even if it's just art. I'd love to bleach, marry and breed such cutie. She's just perfect. If I could celebrate black history month like that I would change it a bit and celebrate like that pretty much everyday.
To moderation community: the following post is just a joke, I do not intend to continue but feeling like posting it. Do not take it seriously, if you're feeling cringe - I'm sorry ... Uooooohhhh😭😭💢 How bratty could you be, Chun Li? You're already flashing me with your gorgeous rice field hills??😤😡And the perfect tattoos signaling your desire to be blessed with white offsprings!😳 That's not how a teacher supposed to behave, I guess it's time to fuck some manners in you😈😏 I'm so sorry, Shifu, I'm entering your sweaty holes😓😣PLAP-PLAP-PLAP-PLAP💦💦💦oh god, your massive, thick thighs are clenching so hard, can't stand it!!!😫 I'll release all of my thick, months-worth breeding juice right in your muscular body🥵🍆💦 Let's raise a lineage of a superior hapa warriors right now!
I have a problem with them implying I don't already torture and kill niggers before sex, or any fun occasion. However, I'd gladly make it a special show for such evil demonic Aryan girls!
Competitive breeding ♡ chinks all over the world compete to see who's the best at pleasuring and worshipping white cocks~! Would do my best to win the gold medal each year lol ♡
Competitive breeding ♡ chinks all over the world compete to see who's the best at pleasuring and worshipping white cocks~! Would do my best to win the gold medal each year lol ♡
It would be unfair to allow us white women in the competition, we’d win every time
As white men, we don't need consent to use your daughters and educate them on how to become proper bleachbunnies. You primitive Islander nigerettes have a duty to give yourselves and them to us, as our personal fleshlights.
As white men, we don't need consent to use your daughters and educate them on how to become proper bleachbunnies. You primitive Islander nigerettes have a duty to give yourselves and them to us, as our personal fleshlights.
Bro I swear sometimes you all talk more about Blacked than Blacked does. Why do any of us care about Blacked? This isn't Blackbooru. I came here to jerk off to BWC worship man.
It's bizarre.
trve but blacked niggers are genuinely deranged trannies who want white women and children raped and killed
And the cuck doesn't even have a right to complain — we are stronger, smarter, bigger and downright BETTER in every way. How could they not choose a White God over some inferior excuse of a man? Chinks will ALWAYS choose White because they are at least smart enough to know what's better and where they belong. That being said, this is literally the kind of picture I would make one of my bleachbunnies take moments before I breed her inferior pussy with my white seed.
Bro I swear sometimes you all talk more about Blacked than Blacked does. Why do any of us care about Blacked? This isn't Blackbooru. I came here to jerk off to BWC worship man.
It's bizarre.
I'm not talking about blacked. I'm talking about the pathetic people who draw and promote it.