Hot as fuck, being guards to a checkpoint meanwhile helping with war effort (already won) and just doing their biological purpose by making children, and shwing it while a white stud is there showing what true perfection is.
To note the ubermensch were defeated by illiterate tatars mongols and other groups
Only because of American race traitors funding them. Otherwise Nazis would have killed all the fighting Soviet men and raped all the Soviet women. Mmmmm…. Delicious conquest
i know thats poki but she reminds me of this older coworker of mine who kept telling me she's getting too old and she was about to just freeze her eggs. maybe i should've offered to help 🙄
Such a pretty white girl enjoying her time riding her white man~ White love is just so good to see~ I hope they'd take me as their slave so they can have more time to enjoy themselves~
Glad the site is back up. Sucks having to scroll through r34, it’s full of gross old guys and cuck/ntr stuff, unlike here where it’s mostly tame and surprisingly romantic
At least I can comment there without some cuck or snowflake being offended seriously 7 times been banned here! You'd think this place would have tough people not crybabies
See what I mean? Already I've a negative. Jeez the people on here you're supposed to be a big white hard man! Goto the other site if you're gonna drink soy milk all day
You played into my hand you know, was hoping you'd not do that but hey, it is people I'm dealing with and not to be horrible really I'm not.
The average person can write down everything they know? On a postit note, no really they can. I wish I was lying that's the sad part I really wish I was lying about that. What just because I'm British and I'm not a woke dummy you have an issue with me, again I thought this was not
Only on a site like this would a WHITE GUY get penalised 7 FKN TIMES for being white oh and not being a woke lefty looney. Only here would that happen you know I've talked to people who've moved to blackedbooru because quote? The mods are crap on and people are too awful there.
Congratulations! You've pushed people away! You must feel so proud of yourselves huh! Know I would for all the good wor, no I'd feel like a piece of 💩. No wonder you've the reputation you do several bleached discord servers who call you out for crying out loud I know because I'm in them. Stop penalising people like me ok just stop and actually act like a BLEACHED site please
Chink girls should always end their worship of white cocks with a good sucking of their white master's balls. She should be thankful for her god to impregnate her inferior chink womb
Non white cultures know how to dress their women for white men. Idk what that outfit is called but that is hot as hell. we need more ethnic girls wearing their cultures dresses
Miss Nessa and Miss Sonia are both so hot in those bleached bikini!~ Now I can't even hide ny boner under my swimsuit... I guess I will need to ask them for a hand in calming it down~ Maybe I could even keep miss Nessa as my black slave~
She’s the Mexican queen who was sent in to cleanse our race and shit skin mexicuck beaners like myself through white breeding nngh
I keep forgetting quetzalcoatl is Mexican. Not that this JAPANESE anime that takes place in JAPAN and the intended way of watching it is hearing all the characters speak JAPANESE makes it easy to understand the character in JAPAN is actually Mexican.
Why is this insanely well written? All of these ideas are inspiring and tear jerking and this dialog has me hanging on every word. This shouldn't be on bleached, it should be on Netflix.