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Date Uploader Hello Zepp Rating Explicit
Date Uploader Hello Zepp Rating Explicit
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SelfmadeEgg said:

It's actually seems like R1b is more british and celtic, since a lot of people in their areas have it. (bashkirs have a lot of it too).
R1a is real eastern european haplogroup.

What ur talking about, even armenians have r1b

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  • Date Uploader Just Erika Rating Explicit
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    Just_Erika said:

    It's just a very weird kink for me to be honest, I don't have that world view but if people judge me for it I can understand and well so be it, damn i have black friends how say "it kinda hot" so yeah, I don't blame people who don't like it

    Amazing work 🤩🙏🏼 keep making marvelous content

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