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Lolirape said:

What really happens when a little niglet chimp fights white men. Little more than a tight cumrag

A portable and easy to handle underage cumdumpster, that's all an inferior ebony Loli white is good for: To warm up fat adult white cocks, and to be used like a tight cock sock

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    id she was gonna join our colony; i was gonna take her as a personal rapeslave~ her cuck colored boyfriend was taken, bound and left on a pole outside our compound until he was torn apart- all the while her screams of ectasy rang out from the walls above, being forced to watch as i pumped my bastard half white kids into her womb


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    Whitebull0 said:

    id she was gonna join our colony; i was gonna take her as a personal rapeslave~ her cuck colored boyfriend was taken, bound and left on a pole outside our compound until he was torn apart- all the while her screams of ectasy rang out from the walls above, being forced to watch as i pumped my bastard half white kids into her womb

    Make sure itโ€™s only mixed race daughters you have and you marry them off to white men so the bleaching continues. Abort mixed race sons.


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    Sixteen really is the best age to start training these brown mixed-race sluts like Clementine. She even has a nice hairy snatch already, just begging for any big strong white man to breed her.

    Turn that brown teen womb of hers into a White Baby Factory.


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