I learned the other day that half white Indians wouldn't be called hapas, but the term used is "kutcha" or "kachcha" which means undercooked. It would be interesting if we got tattoos like that for Symmetra and other Indian bleached beauties.
Now I'd be a real lucky guy if I had a gym partner like that. Sexy outfit, nice tats, and lookin' like a beauty.. typically, it'd be more of an endurance exercise. That said, I look forward to workin' on my health again when it cools down.
Size difference turns me on so much. I need two toys like them so badly to teach them they place by my side taking care of my white cock. I'd love to breed them and make sure they would give birth to lots of my white babies which will make this world better place.
Certainly something I think about from time to time - pretty gal in branded clothing, starting things off a little nice and slow, then things just develop from there. Nothin' more, nothin' less.
"Y-You can't treat trans people l-like me like sex toys! Nghhh, e-even if your white cock is so fat and juicy and musky... nff fuck, I guess maybe you can treat trans people as sex objects.. but only cause you're white~"