Love how nervously she looks between the two of them. She'd already be dead with two regular white dudes, but two FAT ones? Bloated with triplets minimum.
Egyptians are a very hospitable people, their women are always eager to please a white stud who enters into their dunes. Its a refreshing little bit after wandering through Africa. Its fitting that a former Roman satellite state is one of the only countries in the African continent with its shit together
Egyptians are a very hospitable people, their women are always eager to please a white stud who enters into their dunes. Its a refreshing little bit after wandering through Africa. Its fitting that a former Roman satellite state is one of the only countries in the African continent with its shit together
I mean in fairness, it goes even further back than the Roman period, with the Greek Ptolemaic dynasty not only being the longest lasting Egyptian dynasty, but also would heavily encourage the adoption of Greek culture amongst bureaucrats or the like. I also vaguely remember reading that Greek and Egyptian intermarriage was far more common than say, the neighboring Seleucids of Iran and Syria
This is gonna be every Japanese woman in a few years. They're already repulsed by beta ricedicks. White men will come and fix that declining birthrate soon <3
White is right ❤️ chink sluts really can't resist superior white men, we'll forget about our wimpy asian boyfriends to go serve pure Aryan gods instead ❤️
"Sorry honey... Wait, what was your name again? Well it doesn't matter, now my new white boyfriend is going to show you how to properly treat an Asian woman like me!~ jerk off your tiny Asian cuck cock if you want, not like it could even make me cum~ You'll get to raise our mixed babies, so be happy about that~"
I like this but they shouldn’t all be nearly as caked up as each other. It goes Darkness>Aqua>Megumin in terms of thiccness. Megumin’s here is good, so it’s just that aqua and darkness need to step it up.
This is one of the best images on this site. It is exactly what I think and admire about Bleachbooru. A strong, vigorous and protective white man. Even if he mistreats and humiliates people, physically and psychologically, he takes care of what is his! It is very difficult to find someone serious with this profile. It would be a pleasure to serve and dedicate myself body and soul to him.
Id fight a whole war to get this kinda relationship with a cheating whore miserable excuse for a mother who grooms her daughter into taking my cock just like her
If you're a nigger but not willing to let a white man do this to you for fun whenever he wants then you still haven't understood your proper place. Getting a black eye from a superior white man should make your stomach giddy and your pussy wet, and obviously you're obligated to say "thank you" for the privilege.
Not just obligated to thank, required to pay for the privilege of being abused by a perfect white godstud! ♥
We good girls love racist white men and we appreciate their abuse, their threats and their hate~
Getting all kinds of threats and hate from racists and white supremacists really get my brown cunt wet <3
I'm going to publicly bully your perverted little brown cunt all over this website.
Pretty little Spics like you deserve no less.
And let me make it clear, My desire is not to hurt you, but to physically express my ownership over you. I do not want you to glorify violence, and I want no harm to come to you.. But I will slap you around until your nose bleeds & pass you around to be publicly throat fucked until you throw up all over yourself. Not too much, of course, I dont want you to get dehydrated from vomiting and have kidney failure, I just want to have fun with a good little girl like you.
It important that your Master knows how to push you to your limits, without causing any physical or psychological harm to you.
Can't tell you how many times I've wanted to do this, can't say I find nigs attractive like a lot of this site seems to but getting to bruise one up would get me hard in no time.~
I'm going to publicly bully your perverted little brown cunt all over this website.
Pretty little Spics like you deserve no less.
And let me make it clear, My desire is not to hurt you, but to physically express my ownership over you. I do not want you to glorify violence, and I want no harm to come to you.. But I will slap you around until your nose bleeds & pass you around to be publicly throat fucked until you throw up all over yourself. Not too much, of course, I dont want you to get dehydrated from vomiting and have kidney failure, I just want to have fun with a good little girl like you.
It important that your Master knows how to push you to your limits, without causing any physical or psychological harm to you.