Me when he calls me a spic and tells me he’s gonna colonize my brown womb💕💕💕
Well I definitely still wanna colonize that womb and that bloodline but I guess u already know that do u? 😏 I might as well get that back wet too while I’m at it 🤍
Nope, we asian men prefer white dudes over niggers
Without being toxic, but your countrymen are shitting up any imageboard or porn group with the "blacked" trash. Every second fag that posts subvertive propaganda is either indian or SEA. At least people like you can understand stupidity of whole "being butthurt towards the white people so much to start worshipping blacks"
How all women should end up, we aren’t strong or smart enough to be in any position of power
No white women are perfectly smart enough to have positions of power. Don’t you dare disrespect my white sisters, you mere inferior. Your race is nothing compared to mine. I hope you get molested by some white girls and learn some fucking manners
Being brutally honest, I just wonder what actual race of the people who draw BLACKED shit, like there is no way an black person could draw something like this, but its super fucking sad if its some white dude or something, or some asian fella. Seriously, as a woman I fucking hate anything releated to BLACKED, all my fucking arousal drops when I see an beautiful white woman who let her self be degraded like this, Glory to Bleached
this artist is definitely a asian since they are the most common artists featuring hentai and it’s really funny because asians in general that date outside their race date white
If a police woman pulled me over, especiallu a black one, im taking her to the back of my car and teaching her a lesson on wasting my time by pulling me over. Im filling her womb and fucking her for hours before leaving with her as my personal cumdump in the back seat~
Why do I have the suspicion that your one of these ‘girls’ that’ll make a bunch of “need this~” “wish that was meee<3” “bwc is everything to me~” posts and then just delete your account after a day or so?
Anyone else notice this shit too? Or am I schizoposting.
Why do I have the suspicion that your one of these ‘girls’ that’ll make a bunch of “need this~” “wish that was meee<3” “bwc is everything to me~” posts and then just delete your account after a day or so?
Anyone else notice this shit too? Or am I schizoposting.
Why do I have the suspicion that your one of these ‘girls’ that’ll make a bunch of “need this~” “wish that was meee<3” “bwc is everything to me~” posts and then just delete your account after a day or so?
Anyone else notice this shit too? Or am I schizoposting.
Ahhhhhh, my dear Rikka's genes are mixed with the strong genes of white man. Jap inferior dick can't override strong white cock, so Rikka won't even look at me. My beloved Rikka only does naughty things to white men. But the sight of Rikka makes me want to ejaculate, so I get an erection that only makes my mini dick a little harder, wasting miserably the inferior gene that can only make a little despite my greatest efforts. It feels good to be completely defeated as a man, it feels good to have my male pride hurt. Thank you white master for taking my beloved Rikka away from me, thank you for denying me as a man, thank you for denying me the Japanese male gene. I hope every egg Rikka has will inseminate a white man's sperm. Because I want what is impossible for a weak masochistic man to do, to be made even more impossible. I want my sissy pride to be whipped like salt on a wound. I can never give up on Rikka no matter how much I lose, but I always lose before I fight. As long as I continue to love Rikka, I can enjoy defeat. I'm almost like a girl, but she keeps making me feel inferior as a man. Rikka is the reason I have become so masochistic, she is truly a lovely girl!
Ahhhhhh, my dear Rikka's genes are mixed with the strong genes of white man. (..) Thank you white master for taking my beloved Rikka away from me, thank you for denying me as a man, thank you for denying me the Japanese male gene. I hope every egg Rikka has will inseminate a white man's sperm. Because I want what is impossible for a weak masochistic man to do, to be made even more impossible. (..) I can never give up on Rikka no matter how much I lose, but I always lose before I fight. As long as I continue to love Rikka, I can enjoy defeat. I'm almost like a girl, but she keeps making me feel inferior as a man. Rikka is the reason I have become so masochistic, she is truly a lovely girl!
Thanks for hooking us up, or that's what I think you did. Maybe you didn't intend to.
You lost because you introduced us. You lost because you love her. You lost because you want what's best for her. She's made more than just a new friend, but that will be between the five of us. Oh? Has she mentioned the twins yet?
This word is directed only to white men. "正" means right, but in Japanese write these letters and count, so the more she gets inside cum by a big white cock, the more it proves that only the strength of the white man is right.
No matter if it's an Asian o the very president's daughter, all of the will obey and please the white cock pounding on their wombs, showing them there is no comparison with other races, and submitting to the power and thickness of the white seed
All Aryan women should know that they should enjoy watching their White boyfriends and husbands claiming inferior girls as sex slaves. You can't limit us White men to one girl. Our big balls and cocks demand multiple holes to fuck.
All Aryan women should know that they should enjoy watching their White boyfriends and husbands claiming inferior girls as sex slaves. You can't limit us White men to one girl. Our big balls and cocks demand multiple holes to fuck.
Asian women should be at an equal level of white women. Asians and whites both have superior genetics and should cross breed to create a new super race. Healthy white asian breeding. So hot.
Your mom tried so hard to protect you. Tried... It didn't take long for me to expose her as the bleached breeding sow she is, she even got the clothes to match~ Heard she got another pair for you so you can also be a sow in training
Such Chinese girls were indispensable in the white army camps, taken from their parents at an early age, trained as snipers or assassins ———— used to target Chinese officials, and then at night they had to atone for their yellow shit skin with their bodies, whether the mission was completed or not