


Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

Chink mothers will do anything to keep white bullies away from their pathetic ricedick sons~ Though at some point they'll stop caring if they keep bullying them or not and just want to keep worshipping their white cocks <3

I mean, between a lousy hubby and a pathetic son, they'd obviously chose the white bully to satisfy them

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    givemekiss said:

    lol spicy

    It tastes soo good, you can't resist going back for more, even though it burns your tongue... you just need to taste it everyday all day. ^^ [( cinnamon spicy) also cinnamon is a super food so eating her pussy everyday would be healthy! win win]

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    Chinesenurseslut said:

    This is what a normal Asian family looks like, isn't it? In fact, everyone in this picture, including that poor bastard, is the property of their owner

    What will make you happier: A couple half-white children, or a couple dozen half-white grandchildren?

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