


Imitation is the greatest form of flattery! Seeing all those tattoos cover my skin, all in devotion to my superiors, it's a permanent reminder of who I truly belong to. I might claim to hate it, but we both know that's not the truth. No one who truly hates it would go through all that effort~ 🤍

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    Two Gypsies and a Polack when Nazis conquered Poland. They know Aryan men are superior and deserve to breed every inferior nubile virgin they find, making them birth superior Aryan babies. That is how the master multiples his numbers while breeding the race of his sex slaves out of the genepool.

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    NigBreaker said:

    No matter Greek, "French" or African, they know white is right.
    Jasmine especially has plenty of experience with nigger boys and their disappointing little boyhoods.

    She's not French, she's a fucking gypsie, the French wpuld be the cock.

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    Triskel said:

    She's not French, she's a fucking gypsie, the French wpuld be the cock.

    Hence the quotation marks, because she's technically French in the sense that she's a French citizen living in Paris and I was talking about their nationality not their ethnicity. Gypsie is not a nationality.

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    mitchsugg said:

    I'm surprised the little brown boy is even hard. He should be shriveled up in shame of his inferiority.

    That's always been my response, I wouldn't even be able to get hard in awe of true virility.

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    Cecil_Rhodes said:

    Look up WW1 and how that ended for Russia my guy,

    They still won and were given all of Ukraine aka West Poland. And look up Operation Barborossa look at how well that went. He should've just kept pounding Britain and sinking ships in the Atlantic and forced Britain into surrendering if he wanted to win. I say this being British btw 😊

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    Horde said:

    They still won and were given all of Ukraine aka West Poland. And look up Operation Barborossa look at how well that went. He should've just kept pounding Britain and sinking ships in the Atlantic and forced Britain into surrendering if he wanted to win. I say this being British btw 😊

    No they fucking didn't lmao, win in WW1 that is. They got disected and turned into the commie hellscape that literally ruined the world we live in today. Every ounce of territory to got after the treaty of Brest-Litovsk they had to take by force after Germany was defeated by the West.

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    I'm still wondering how that moron doesn't know anything about history lol, has he ever been to a history class or read a book in his life? Who knows lol. Bet he thinks America won WW2 in Europe ugh no, that was the USSR who's flag was on the Reichstag? I'm here to chat and flirt with women but that doesn’t mean I won't point out stupid people

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