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When the order came in that all niggers, chinks, squaws and wetbacks were barred from the regular army and had to be transferred to the slave legions, the white-majority population of Super Earth all cheered in joy. But the celebrations only continued when all female soldiers--non-white AND white--all got orders to transfer to the "Comfort Women Corps", a unit wholly dedicated to giving the superior, more elite white alpha male soldiers some stress relief of *any* kind after spending a whole day crushing bugs and nuking Cyberstan.

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    Groomed_Gook_Girl said:

    False alarm, guys. It's just a settlement of niggers being destroyed by the aliens. We can relax in the spaceship and save our strength for saving humans!

    WE destroyed their settlement and killed their men you dumb gook! Now that we have captured the negresses, we're using them as sex slaves and breeding their inferior genes out with our big white cocks, just like I'm going to do to you in a minute!

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    God I've always liked Haydee even before I knew what Bleached was, this Rayhuma video especially.
    I mean just look at that body type. Imagine thrusting the shit out Haydee ferally while sucking the chocolate milk out of those supple puffy breasts and nipples, all while she takes it for you.

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    A_CutiePatoot_Femboy said:

    Oh~ if only all us Asians had a bwc to lovingly lick and polish… we’d all be so happy getting bleached😌

    Asian femboys deserve bwc too, i got you covered if you need something to worship hon ♡

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    Those boys are gonna start having a whole lot of mixed half-siblings. That sister's already thinking of helping the poor white man unload his sperm heavy balls inside her. And it looks like the boys are thinking of drinking down the rest of that delicious cock milk too~

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    Salamanders get a pass only because they can still be white just as long as they dont go to Nocturne because I think its the radiation from Nocturne that causes the geneseed to turn salamanders into how they are often depicted.

    Alternatively just use the Salamanders from Codex Armageddon, the Tactical marine sergeant in one of the pictures is painted with white skin.

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    The_Wanderer said:

    Salamanders get a pass only because they can still be white just as long as they dont go to Nocturne because I think its the radiation from Nocturne that causes the geneseed to turn salamanders into how they are often depicted.

    Alternatively just use the Salamanders from Codex Armageddon, the Tactical marine sergeant in one of the pictures is painted with white skin.

    Honestly the Salamanders are essentially just white guys irradiated to oblivion. It's like how most people can't even force themselves to believe dark elven races from many settings are actually "black" but just white people with dark/blue or purple skin.

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    Lyon_4life said:

    bro the Emperor isn't white and never has been. He's from the Middle East around Mesopotamia

    I thought he was ambiguously from a region where both White and Asian people lived in Anatolia, thus allowing readers to imagine him as either White or non-White.

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    AryanBreeder8 said:

    I thought he was ambiguously from a region where both White and Asian people lived in Anatolia, thus allowing readers to imagine him as either White or non-White.

    He was technically born in a tribe in the north Caucasus. He was very likely Indo-European, thus proto-white basically. People fail to grasp that just because a land now is inhabited by a different ethnicity, or culture that doesn’t mean that that’s always been the case. Big E is not a Turk or an Arab lmao. This is answer to both quotes.

    Lyon_4life said:

    bro the Emperor isn't white and never has been. He's from the Middle East around Mesopotamia

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    bruhfrman said:

    Snow bunny used to mean girls that do skiing, I don't know how how these mfs in blacked changed the term 🤦‍♂️

    Now that you mention it, snowbunny literally has no connection to blacked like at all. If it’s used to refer to white girls, that’s ok I guess, but that could just also apply to say bleached, like you’re a white girl thats bleached aka a snowbunny. It’s basically relying on everyone else to just go along with the ‘intended’ raceplay connotations of which there isn’t much of to begin with. Blacked is so retarded.

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