

Date Uploader mholdem7827 Rating Explicit
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Explains how the natives lost so quickly, their deities got bleached on day 1 and abandoned them completely.
She may be a goddess but a nigger is a nigger and there's nothing she can do as soon as a white man grabs her by the hair and shoves his cock in.

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    Imagine working your ass off for months as some whipped sailor, with nothing but what you need to live and the stink of 50 other men. Then after what feels like a endless voyage of greyish blue skies and sea, you dock..... onto land your race has almost never seen before. What you see for the next few weeks could only be imagined by people who can read records. Everything about the people you meet is either new or ancient, and the women have a beauty that even your advanced kingdom back home could never replicate. They're born from another world entirely, and if you're lucky a piece of that world shares a similar adventurous spirit. You are their irreplicable beauty, and your ship is their gateway.

    The corporation you work for needs ambassadors, people willing to learn more about this new world and what it's people value. You've already managed to secure this land's most priceless treasure for yourself, but is the land securing you? Who really is the explorer and who is the prize? The boat you arrived on is leaving in days; make your choice.

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