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AryanSuperSoldier said:

@Just_Erika how can I repay you for these? I thought it’d just be one video - and that already would’ve been enough, but 3? Simply spectacular job with all of them, thank you so much.

well since many people asked for it i was like "why not" and made some more, i hope all the tattoo's fit to her :3

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    Just_Erika said:

    well since many people asked for it i was like "why not" and made some more, i hope all the tattoo's fit to her :3

    Oh they absolutely fit her! .. the things I’d do to nazi Fillian.. I’d pin her down, hold her close, kiss her softly and tell her that I love her <3

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    chinkforkill said:

    I only have one thing to tell you all, get out of this, go do something better, talk, play, interact, say good morning to your neighbor and don't judge him at all because that doesn't make you better than anyone else, it will just show that you You didn't learn the tutorial of life... I hope whoever listened to me is well goodbye

    Certified latix moment​a, God truly hate niggerbeaners cuz they claim their mexi food is good or smt. 😔🙏 pray for him and he find God light in a form of muzzle flash

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    UNMV said:


    chinkforkill said:

    I only have one thing to tell you all, get out of this, go do something better, talk, play, interact, say good morning to your neighbor and don't judge him at all because that doesn't make you better than anyone else, it will just show that you You didn't learn the tutorial of life... I hope whoever listened to me is well goodbye

    Certified latix moment​a, God truly hate niggerbeaners cuz they claim their mexi food is good or smt. 😔🙏 pray for him and he find God light in a form of muzzle flash

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