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BarrettMaddox said:

Good. There's no such thing as a lesbian. There's just a bunch of confused girls.

Lesbians are beautiful and a sign of white superiority. A real man loves seeing lesbians in action. Take your incel rapist niggerism to Afghanistan. That beta male shit don’t belong here.

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    SpicRapedoll said:

    Honestly best thing about becoming more than human, like a demon or superpowers, is being able to take bigger white cock harder, more violent abuse, etc. I'm jealous of the roughness Nezuko can take without issue~

    Yoy just want to play out the idea of maneaters, vampires, being more than capable of living off of semen

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    SpicRapedoll said:

    Honestly best thing about becoming more than human, like a demon or superpowers, is being able to take bigger white cock harder, more violent abuse, etc. I'm jealous of the roughness Nezuko can take without issue~

    Well then get stronger and tougher, borderline superhuman for your ppl so u can take it

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    "Greetings, Champion of Hyrule. You have done well saving us once again. We, the Gerudo, have decided your seed will be paramount in breeding a new, superior generetion. A harem as big as you can handle will be at your disposal whenever you desire~"

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    OogaBoogaBitch said:

    "Greetings, Champion of Hyrule. You have done well saving us once again. We, the Gerudo, have decided your seed will be paramount in breeding a new, superior generetion. A harem as big as you can handle will be at your disposal whenever you desire~"

    Being Link with a harem of Gerudo sounds like the dream

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