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Horde said:

Well yeah it's a copy of the khalashnikov, although had a 2nd look now and it could be a sig 556 as I call it. Doesn't matter what it is just a nice edit really

Horde said:

Well yeah it's a copy of the khalashnikov, although had a 2nd look now and it could be a sig 556 as I call it. Doesn't matter what it is just a nice edit really

For sure straight up!

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    BleachedTransgal said:

    Where can I get one?

    You'd probably have to get it custom made, I got one (similarish but not exactly this one) and the people who made them didn't care (there's far worse I've heard about anyway and I feel bad for the people who have to print out the weirdest things they've ever seen). I'm not sure but getting it custom made is faster and better because of less censorship and more creative freedom.

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    Gloria said:

    the nigger eats something other than chicken and watermelon for the first time in his life<3

    Gloria said:

    the nigger eats something other than chicken and watermelon for the first time in his life<3

    Pretty retarded to add Korean text to it

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    There's no competition between shitskins and white gods. We brown women know it well, better to be a white man's slave than a brown 'man's' partner. There's no greater pleasure and reward in this world than completely submitting to the superior race <3

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