


Banzai8788 said:

why would a Nazi wanna convert her to Christianity. Nazism and Christianity(mainly Catholicism and orthodoxy) simply donโ€™t mix

Positive Christianity was an attempted movement to make a Nazi friendly version of Christianity.
Of course it was heretical as hell, they straight up attempted to remove the old testament because it was written by Jews.
They try to basically race swap Jesus, so instead of him being a Semitic middle eastern or he was a "Nordic Amorite" .
They attempted to make their own weird national version of the Catholic Church which would be led by the โ€œGerman Messiahโ€ which was just Hitler.

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    ZombiBoi said:

    When a BIG BEAUTIFUL WHITE COCK envelopes your whole screen and mind. Probably the same for dogs when you call them over when they're in the middle of going somewhere like another room or something, they just completely forget what they were doing in the first place because MASTER dog whistled you over. ;p

    OMG you're so right, that's literally what was going through my mind. Even looking at the picture, I know what it means to be reduced to a doggy-brained slut when it comes to gorgeous BWC <3

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    NiggerFeminist said:

    Ugh god, these damn white boys always finding any excuse to show off their...fat, white cocks to us.

    Admit it, you love it when it happens, bet you masturbate when it happens, imagining them breeding your nigger pussy~

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