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BarrettMaddox said:

Good. There's no such thing as a lesbian. There's just a bunch of confused girls.

Lesbians are beautiful and a sign of white superiority. A real man loves seeing lesbians in action. Take your incel rapist niggerism to Afghanistan. That beta male shit don’t belong here.

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    SpicRapedoll said:

    Honestly best thing about becoming more than human, like a demon or superpowers, is being able to take bigger white cock harder, more violent abuse, etc. I'm jealous of the roughness Nezuko can take without issue~

    Yoy just want to play out the idea of maneaters, vampires, being more than capable of living off of semen

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    SpicRapedoll said:

    Honestly best thing about becoming more than human, like a demon or superpowers, is being able to take bigger white cock harder, more violent abuse, etc. I'm jealous of the roughness Nezuko can take without issue~

    Well then get stronger and tougher, borderline superhuman for your ppl so u can take it

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    "Greetings, Champion of Hyrule. You have done well saving us once again. We, the Gerudo, have decided your seed will be paramount in breeding a new, superior generetion. A harem as big as you can handle will be at your disposal whenever you desire~"

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    OogaBoogaBitch said:

    "Greetings, Champion of Hyrule. You have done well saving us once again. We, the Gerudo, have decided your seed will be paramount in breeding a new, superior generetion. A harem as big as you can handle will be at your disposal whenever you desire~"

    Being Link with a harem of Gerudo sounds like the dream

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    This just reminded me of a dream I had awhile back, in the dream all the females on Earth were black while all the males were white and also that the females could only give birth to black daughters and white sons rather than mixed children, that dream was very hot to me.

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    This uppity black bitch had better learn her place and soon. Face fucking her, with her White Queen jamming her face into her master's crotch, until her brain snaps would be a good girls step.

    Ethnic girls have no claim on what a white man does with his cock or seed, and while he might uplift these lesser races by improving their gene pool, he has a responsibility to his race to produce at least twice as many white babies as he does halfas.

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