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A_CutiePatoot_Femboy said:

Little brats like him could single handedly end an entire bloodline without even trying and Im all for it~! He could have my mother and my sister, and feminize the "men" in my family <3

Hell yeah even a white femboy like me could. I hope you would jerk your little clit ricedick to it too as I be better than what you could ever be. ;3

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    A_CutiePatoot_Femboy said:

    Mmm~ what a lucky little chink. Hope she knows how privileged she is being allowed to polishing her superiors ivory cock, and guzzling down all that thick, yummy, genetically perfect baby-batter <3

    You could be lucky too! I got plenty of superior baby batter to spare.

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    BarrettMaddox said:

    Good. There's no such thing as a lesbian. There's just a bunch of confused girls.

    Lesbians are beautiful and a sign of white superiority. A real man loves seeing lesbians in action. Take your incel rapist niggerism to Afghanistan. That beta male shit don’t belong here.

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