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TallWhiteAndHung said:

And you’re about to be met with the same terrible fate as them. Only and only if you’re able to utter two particular words accompanied by a certain salute you will be spared. It still won’t stop your aching wet pussy from being a victim of my genocide.

Slig Heil!

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    jewish_slut said:

    It's so delicious to masturbate with this. Sorry grandpa, but I don't care that the Germans tortured you, nor do I care that they killed grandma. Nazis are fucking hot!

    At least you know your place is to serve Nazi cock like a good Jew

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    The true Schindler's List was a love story, it had soccer fields, ice cream, swimming pools and theater, but best of all the jewish girls in the cute stripped pajamas found love with some waffen ss officers who would court them regularly, (T__T) its so beautiful <3<3<3

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    negress said:

    This is why I love the south, white men no there place, nigger bois bow there head, a black whores give free head to any superior who asks. #niggerwhore #blackboisarecucks

    We love yalls monkey asses too, if you was in Texas I'd be force feeding you my long heavy racist Klan Cock till you were a broken bleeding mess. WHITE POWER !

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    And here we see a perfect example of what every black girl would do if given the chance when alone in the forest with white gentlemen, ofcourse minus the tattoo’s as they’d need them but thats something they can get on the second… ahem… “date” and then they would repeat their first meeting on the third “date” with said tattoo’s

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    i saw her skin color from far i went there to leave a niggercorpse
    but i saw the tattoos so i took her home so me and my husband can fuck her until she breaks and be thrown in the trash where she belongs
    at least she was useful for a while

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    EbonyBreaker said:

    You've got to love when they know their place from the very start~! Girl knows that BWC is the only thing she really needs.

    Imagine the feeling of her young tight pussy gripping a bwc her feet leaving the ground with every thrust. Feel her entire body shaking as you violate her

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    "I took by force some of the natives, that from them we might gain some information of what there was in these parts; and so it was that we immediately understood each other, either by words or signs. They are still with me and still believe that I come from heaven." - Christopher Columbus

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    Can't for Columbus day. I am gonna stretch out the pussy of every Native American slut I see. It won't matter how much they beg or plead for me to pull out. I am raping those red-skins until they're all bloated and pregnant with white babies.

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    “Oh hello white mister! What are you doing on the nigger side of the beach? Can’t you tell by all the garbage this isn’t good enough for you godly whites? Wait…you want me as your slave? Ohmigosh! I knew tattoos would help get me noticed! Yes of course I’ll come with you. I’ll do absolutely whatever you tell me sir~!”


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