The future of all black men, after they're re-educated and forced to become the tranny sex-slaves of every big strong white man in America. Every white household will have a sex relief toy like this, and black men will happily accept their new role. The cock-tail of drugs used to make them all into she-males? It will also make them hopelessly addicted to BWC of all ages. Whether it is tending to their young masters, and making sure their first time is special, or making sure any old geezers are never lonely; these nymphos only exist to drain their white masters dry now.
Well yeah it's a copy of the khalashnikov, although had a 2nd look now and it could be a sig 556 as I call it. Doesn't matter what it is just a nice edit really
Horde said:
Well yeah it's a copy of the khalashnikov, although had a 2nd look now and it could be a sig 556 as I call it. Doesn't matter what it is just a nice edit really
You'd probably have to get it custom made, I got one (similarish but not exactly this one) and the people who made them didn't care (there's far worse I've heard about anyway and I feel bad for the people who have to print out the weirdest things they've ever seen). I'm not sure but getting it custom made is faster and better because of less censorship and more creative freedom.
All of your comments are just hatewatching on this site. Why the fuck do you go on here 💀
Because it's nothing if not darkly amusing to see how far you freaks can fall before one of you finally takes this too seriously and ends up actually killing this place for good.
Because it's nothing if not darkly amusing to see how far you freaks can fall before one of you finally takes this too seriously and ends up actually killing this place for good.
There's no competition between shitskins and white gods. We brown women know it well, better to be a white man's slave than a brown 'man's' partner. There's no greater pleasure and reward in this world than completely submitting to the superior race <3
Fuck i love when our women get savagely fucked and colonised while we stroke our inferior man clits at the corner of the room as we are incapable of defending us or them from BWC