


Bleached-Vixen said:

That "please nuke my country" really speaks to me~

Begging to my American Master to nuke my country is a point so low that horrifies me as well as excites me
I've come to accept and welcome the humiliations my country has faced under American oppression, but I'm not still there... Yet~

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    thunderous2 said:

    why lol

    I honestly don’t know. I mean, so far as I know, Wisconsin doesn’t have a disproportionately high black population. In fact, I think it would be more accurate to have it be white with a bunch of nazi tattoos given Wisconsin’s history is so wrapped up in German and Scandinavian immigration to the country

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    ntrh8r said:

    I honestly don’t know. I mean, so far as I know, Wisconsin doesn’t have a disproportionately high black population. In fact, I think it would be more accurate to have it be white with a bunch of nazi tattoos given Wisconsin’s history is so wrapped up in German and Scandinavian immigration to the country

    Illinois would've been better for the black population just because of chicago, or Michigan because of Detroit.

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