


Nigger's lucky he gets to feel her beautiful pale skin on his bare cock. She's an extremely generous slave owner. She felt like rewarding him for paying rent for her and her white master and doing all of the chores. He even picks actual cotton. She thought it would be funny to have him grow his own cotton plants and pick from them to make clothes for her.

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    Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

    Am I the only one that acts completely different with inferior races than when I'm with white men~?
    The only thing is that I would never in my life touch a nigger like that even with my feet, but I would love to be leashed like a pet and worship white cocks <3

    Super relateable, BWCs are just so respectable. The moment I see a superior and his fat bulge it's like my knees give out

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    Groomed_Gook_Girl said:

    Nigger's lucky he gets to feel her beautiful pale skin on his bare cock. She's an extremely generous slave owner. She felt like rewarding him for paying rent for her and her white master and doing all of the chores. He even picks actual cotton. She thought it would be funny to have him grow his own cotton plants and pick from them to make clothes for her.

    You are sure goddess

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    Alfana12 said:

    Exactly what white cocks deserve, though... I'd much rather have that beautiful white shaft all to myself~^^

    Make yourself look better than the three of em combined and make sure u can fit a whole bratwurst down your throat without choking then we’ll talk. ~

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    Blackhole said:

    definitely a bit skewed by all the inferiors lowering the average, not to take anything away from the heat you're packing~

    Truuuuue, but still America is still mostly white at the moment so even then I still make up a pretty good part of the percentile, but u do make a good point🤷

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    Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

    So hot~ I wish I was in a similar situation where one of my rice dick friends, after so many years of knowing each other, would finally confess his love for me, meanwhile his white bully that I just met a few minutes ago would be breeding the fuck out of my chink cunt <3

    Hey you could have a three way. Just have your rice dick friend in a chastity cage as he waits to get fucked by his bully.

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    Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

    So hot~ I wish I was in a similar situation where one of my rice dick friends, after so many years of knowing each other, would finally confess his love for me, meanwhile his white bully that I just met a few minutes ago would be breeding the fuck out of my chink cunt <3

    It'd be more fun if that cuck of yours actually witnessed us breeding~. I'd have someone to beat the hell out of once your cunt is gushing with my cum.

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