


slaveboy said:

Me when my race is on the verge of extinction because white men have dominated us

Good boy. You've learned your place as a white man's sex relief toy. Your white daddy is going to reward you with a nice and sloppy cream pie.

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    Groomed_Gook_Girl said:

    A properly bleached nigger would happily give up her little daughters' tight virgin holes for her white owner. Both girls are his property after all. It's beautiful seeing them start learning so young <3

    Nigger moms always should let their daughters get turned out

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    This was a fun one to make. The thing she's sitting on is an elongated bit of Wolfenstein scenery, specifically the bench that the judge sits behind in The New Colossus, while the bg is also random Wolfenstein environment art.

    Glad to know the abilities are appreciated, I'll take that with me for future edits

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    BlutWieEisen said:

    This was a fun one to make. The thing she's sitting on is an elongated bit of Wolfenstein scenery, specifically the bench that the judge sits behind in The New Colossus, while the bg is also random Wolfenstein environment art.

    Glad to know the abilities are appreciated, I'll take that with me for future edits

    Throwing in game mechanics is vastly underrated. I suggest trying to look for them on other boorus. Things like status effects, moodlet icons, etc etc.

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    BlutWieEisen said:

    This was a fun one to make. The thing she's sitting on is an elongated bit of Wolfenstein scenery, specifically the bench that the judge sits behind in The New Colossus, while the bg is also random Wolfenstein environment art.

    Glad to know the abilities are appreciated, I'll take that with me for future edits

    Absolutely fantastic work man.

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    evolutionary_8044 said:

    Don’t act like you don’t want it rice bunny~
    You even asked for a few of these “clients” yourself~

    Most of her clients are sexless non-whites, she's not expecting an aryan bull to splash some cash for a fun time. At least thats the only way i can rationalise it as a ricebrained bimbo

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