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OK, this is kinda hot but I was more concerned with the fact that I'm a Thomas. Probably small world but it's that same thing where a content creator calls out a name and it freaks you out when it happens to be yours. There's another couple reasons why it also was freaky to me specifically but I leave that in the dark/you can probably guess one based off my name.

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    HarvestingSeason said:

    Bleachbooru in a nutshell right here: see a woman post and then watch the guys be like moths to a flame.

    You're describing everywhere ever, in history. Not only is that imprinted in human nature, but the animal kingdom as well. Are you trying to disparage White guys from hitting on ethnic girls, because you sound it?

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    Nate_Higgers said:

    This is my first tattoo edit, so I tried my best. If someone else wants to make a better one go ahead. I have uploaded the non-tattoo version as well.

    Great edit! I like to imagine she retired because she found a white boyfriend lol. Nice name btw

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    whigot said:

    Can't tell if I wanna breed beat or kiss her the biggest problem of being a white man

    U better not beat her otherwise u r basically no better than any black, crack baby hoodrat or some Latino loser.
    Women like that deserve the kinda treatment that a lotta their own ppl canโ€™t offer em.

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