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Chinesenurseslut said:

A white girl like her usually has a busy daily schedule, first she must go to the prison to confirm the execution of the useless asian beta male dogs, then distribute their wives, daughters, and mothers as public property to the brave white soldiers, and finally she must return to the office building to give oral massages to her white superiors

You think it ends there? Every single one of us is enrolled in the repopulation programme, assigned to a dozen of the most pure-bred men for gene preservation

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    TallWhiteAndHung said:

    And you’re about to be met with the same terrible fate as them. Only and only if you’re able to utter two particular words accompanied by a certain salute you will be spared. It still won’t stop your aching wet pussy from being a victim of my genocide.

    Slig Heil!

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    jewish_slut said:

    It's so delicious to masturbate with this. Sorry grandpa, but I don't care that the Germans tortured you, nor do I care that they killed grandma. Nazis are fucking hot!

    At least you know your place is to serve Nazi cock like a good Jew

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    The true Schindler's List was a love story, it had soccer fields, ice cream, swimming pools and theater, but best of all the jewish girls in the cute stripped pajamas found love with some waffen ss officers who would court them regularly, (T__T) its so beautiful <3<3<3

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