


Remember to enjoy your holidays with those that matter, make memories you'll never forget and have fun!

Most important though is to ensure traditions are kept up, spread the knowledge of what one’s forefathers have always done and follow in their footsteps. Spread, love, joy and an understanding that the special day is intended to be a white Christmas!~

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    Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

    May someone explain to this stupid little chink what does the "RK" stands for or the meaning of this, please~? Just curious since this could make a wonderful tattoo <3

    RK stands for Reichkommisariat, a part of a fictional setting created by Bread and Nintendoss. Basically, any territory with "RK" preceding the name is controlled by the Reich.

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    MestizoFemboy88 said:

    RK stands for Reichkommisariat, a part of a fictional setting created by Bread and Nintendoss. Basically, any territory with "RK" preceding the name is controlled by the Reich.

    Reichskommissariats were also real things in the German empire and Nazi Germany. Basically just a colonial administration

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    Colonized_Asian_Slut said:

    ^ Wow~Thank you so much you two~!

    For some extra fun facts Reich it has roughly 3 different translations Realm, Empire & Nation.
    The English cognate of Reich existed in Old English as the word Rīċe which would’ve been pronounced like /ree-chay/.
    Now it has 3 surviving descendants.
    The 2 surviving descendants of the noun are the compounds bishopric and archbishopric.
    The other one is the adjective rich.
    In fact, if the noun did survive, fully intact into modern English, it probably would’ve ended up being pronounced like rich with a long I.

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    This is all we are worth our sisters mothers a daughters are useless nigger sex Toys groom us mold is a turn us into what we are born to be. Even little niglet boys should be sodomized an left to walk home with white cum dripping out of them

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    GothAsian said:

    My bpd’s acting up and need some dick rn frfr, bf’s at work and he’s done nothing wrong but…

    Got that chronic urge to twerk infront of a white rapist~ or fuck my bf’s boss fuck… I am kinda splitting on him

    Average woman in 2024

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