“I do not quite understand how servicing your ‘big white cock’ with my ‘brown skinned throat pussy’ will help me understand what it means to be human, but… I do feel interested in continuing.”
Oh, hey, more from this? That's nice. I like the ricebunny's features and art style, so thanks, OP, for the edits. And agree with Nathan, thicc as fuck. Huge ricedick blockers made for BWC.
Oh, hey, more from this? That's nice. I like the ricebunny's features and art style, so thanks, OP, for the edits. And agree with Nathan, thicc as fuck. Huge ricedick blockers made for BWC.
Huge asian ass will save Japan from ricedicks and deliver them to BWC
The Japanese where practically designed to service white cock, Japaneese men are so small and weak they are hardly different than their women, Japaneese women naturally worship the clearly superior white man almost falling to our knees instinctively when it is shown, Not that we need to since our small stature puts us right at proper worshipping size to service our white masters BWC without even needing to kneel.
Such a nice average bwc... Thicker and longer than her forearm, urethra wide enough to finger it. Just made for dumping giant loads into cute little things like Shuten~
Sometimes I wish I was a real piece of African royalty so I could fuck a white man while lookin' like this. She's completely right though, shitskin sluts like us should help white men feel appreciated.
Come choke down my big white veiny bull dick and maybe I'll buy you a bucket of KFC if you make me nut. Treat you like a ghetto queen with your "royal" ass.
Must be a sad existence knowing white men are preferred over any other race by all women. "insecured" Why don't you pick up a book and bash it against your head a couple hundred times so you can come up with a better insult, because God knows you can't even develop the ability to read you illiterate primate.
Sometimes I wish I was a real piece of African royalty so I could fuck a white man while lookin' like this. She's completely right though, shitskin sluts like us should help white men feel appreciated.
You can always pretend. I can do you the honor of painting your tits white.
To think it was so common by everyone to actually talk like this to niggers back in the good old days, why did that had to change~? oh well <3
because the Jews tricked everyone into feeling guilty over something that happened over a hundred years before they were even born. now everyone is not only afraid that they will offend some ignorant nigger but they are afraid to offend anyone period because they might get canceled. the future blows and it's all because we fought on the wrong side back in WWII. if only we could do it all over again and let Hitler wipe out the Jews, the Russians, the British and the Arabs. he would have left America alone we could have been allies . we still would have been stuck with Italy and China so nothing is perfect. 💅 Sieg Heil 卐
I'm surprised to see a character from "Tiny Bunny" here, in all of places, but sure. Также отдельное спасибо за символ Ледяного похода, эдиты с Белым движением и имперской тематикой хорошо бы смотрелись на этом сайте
Celtic? Well according to some people they're black apparently lmfao, if they're gonna say Italian's are white as snow like I am then sure Celts are black as coal 🤣🤣
Anon pov : ah can’t we just cuddle while I make some tea while watching a movie I am really tir- Rumi : NO!!! Anons thoughts : *oh well guess this old dog can’t just have a quiet time for this evening*
You can tell by the look in her face that this nigger decided to go with real aryan cock. Just look how tight her slit is, you can tell all those small dicked fuckers never managed to stretch her correctly. Don't worry about it slut, we white masters will take care of you in the future and show you actual sustainability.
The more time goes on, and the more I have a thing for black girls. It's hard to resist looking at them intensively in their eyes or... I admit, looking them up and down too, I plead guilty :)