What really happens when a little niglet chimp fights white men. Little more than a tight cumrag
A portable and easy to handle underage cumdumpster, that's all an inferior ebony Loli white is good for: To warm up fat adult white cocks, and to be used like a tight cock sock
Seems like her mom taught her well. Such a submissive little nigglet from so early on, you know she knows her place~! Would definitely take her in as the housecleaner and white cock servant she's destined to become.
Owning a young female niglet must be incredible,you can do absolutely anything that you want to them ~ i wish that i was a british soldier in africa in the 1800s 😭
id she was gonna join our colony; i was gonna take her as a personal rapeslave~ her cuck colored boyfriend was taken, bound and left on a pole outside our compound until he was torn apart- all the while her screams of ectasy rang out from the walls above, being forced to watch as i pumped my bastard half white kids into her womb
id she was gonna join our colony; i was gonna take her as a personal rapeslave~ her cuck colored boyfriend was taken, bound and left on a pole outside our compound until he was torn apart- all the while her screams of ectasy rang out from the walls above, being forced to watch as i pumped my bastard half white kids into her womb
Make sure it’s only mixed race daughters you have and you marry them off to white men so the bleaching continues. Abort mixed race sons.
Sixteen really is the best age to start training these brown mixed-race sluts like Clementine. She even has a nice hairy snatch already, just begging for any big strong white man to breed her.
Turn that brown teen womb of hers into a White Baby Factory.
I know it's bad, but fuck it I'd love to be that guy and fuck her, breed her and have lots of fun with that black slut. Give her proper bleaching and make her my woman.
I know it's bad, but fuck it I'd love to be that guy and fuck her, breed her and have lots of fun with that black slut. Give her proper bleaching and make her my woman.
Don't feel bad for wishing this, it's her duty after all.