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Oriflamme said:

North Africa is the Fourth Shore of Europe, just directly colonize and bleach them (and set up our own cool dictatorships) and expand the frontier where we stop the movement of "migrants and refugees"

"Ah", dit le Roy, "notre domaine,
S'étend sur la rive africaine,
Jusqu'au désert le plus avant.
C'est notre fief, et prix du sang."

"Ah" said the King, "Our domain,
Extends to the African shores,
Until the furthest deserts.
It's our fief, and the price of blood."

- Le Roi Louis

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    the_polbwcV2 said:

    Let's colonize this place again. This are is one of the worst threats to europe. It's goverments instable with authoritarian dictators murdering their own people.
    Lets continue what the us started. Gadaffi is already gone. Sisi's goverment is gonna eat itself. Tunisia and Morocco are the only ones that are stable enough.
    Europe should remove the dictators to it's south and help the next goverments. Only with this way we can combat extremism and the "refugee" crisis.

    there's not a peaceful way to eradicate that.

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